I WAS saddened to read Ardeshir Cowasjee’s column on (Dec 25). He bade farewell to his readers, at least as a regular columnist for Dawn. There are many like myself who will miss his writings.
Well-researched and well-thought-out, always neutral, but with depth that comes from belief and passion in humanity and its obligations to the planet, Mr Cowasjee’s columns brought both pleasure and pain.
He wrote on many topics, particularly those related to issues about Pakistan, but he is most well-known for his unflinching battle against environmental degradation, and his almost lone fight to remind us all of the dream the Quaid-i-Azam had for Pakistan.
Indeed, he has been the conscience and voice of many of us who see our natural resources plundered away, and our environment destroyed, but have kept silent.
We have watched our founder of the nation being reduced to cliched sayings, and have failed to know of his greatness. Mr Cowasjee forced us to think.
He was the only columnist who dared to make his frank opinion of the so-called leading party which claims to rule Karachi on account of its ethnic power.
I hope he lives beyond a century and retains his abilities so that we can all benefit from his future writings.