FOR the last several years every Sunday morning Ardeshir Cowasjee’s was the first column that I went for. Compliments to Dawn also for publishing his bitter, biting, unsavoury and fiery criticism of the affairs of the state. He must have felt dejected that there was not one leader or politician, in this nation of millions who could somewhat come even 10 miles closer to what Mohammad Ali Jinnah was, and what his ideals for Pakistan were.

Feeling disgusted with the apathy and indifference of those in power to solve and get rid the problems highlighted in his columns, Cowasjee felt ‘re-tired’ and decided to discontinue any further writing. My compliments and best wishes to this great and enlightened man with all health and happiness.



Accessing the RSF

Accessing the RSF

RSF can help catalyse private sector inves­tment encouraging investment flows, build upon institutional partnerships with MDBs, other financial institutions.


Madressah oversight
Updated 19 Dec, 2024

Madressah oversight

Bill should be reconsidered and Directorate General of Religious Education, formed to oversee seminaries, should not be rolled back.
Kurram’s misery
Updated 19 Dec, 2024

Kurram’s misery

The state must recognise that allowing such hardship to continue undermines its basic duty to protect citizens’ well-being.
Hiking gas rates
19 Dec, 2024

Hiking gas rates

IMPLEMENTATION of a new Ogra recommendation to increase the gas prices by an average 8.7pc or Rs142.45 per mmBtu in...
Geopolitical games
Updated 18 Dec, 2024

Geopolitical games

While Assad may be gone — and not many are mourning the end of his brutal rule — Syria’s future does not look promising.
Polio’s toll
18 Dec, 2024

Polio’s toll

MONDAY’s attacks on polio workers in Karak and Bannu that martyred Constable Irfanullah and wounded two ...
Development expenditure
18 Dec, 2024

Development expenditure

PAKISTAN’S infrastructure development woes are wide and deep. The country must annually spend at least 10pc of its...