Saving the green sea turtle
May 23, 2012

May 23 marks World Turtle Day. These photos show turtles at Oceanworld Manly, near Sydney, where green turtles are kept for health checks and rehabilitation before being released into the wild.
Green sea turtles are listed as an endangered species, and in the Mediterranean their sub-population is listed as critically endangered. Even though they have been listed an endangered, sea turtles are still hunted for their meat and eggs. Many sea turtles lose their lives due to propeller accidents and drowning, when they get strangled in fishing gear.
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May 23, 2012 06:41pm
There is a huge wetland center at sandspit where they are putting in all there efforts to conserve green turtle species, when I was in Highschool I woorke there as a volunteer for 2 months , you guys should have put some pictures from there , all those efforts Dr.Babur and the rest at WWF are putting in are going without recognition .
The turtle conservation program in Karachi is huge , while I was there they had a team come from abroad which tagged the green turtles with radios so that they could track their movement and we were surprised to find that some go as far as australia !
Not only are they putting efforts in conserving turtles but also mangrove forest which are breeding grounds for shrimps and other economically valuable species, The backwaters are an amazing place if you go and visit you should definitely do.
May 23, 2012 07:49pm
There is a huge wetland center at sandspit where they are putting in all there efforts to conserve green turtle species, when I was in Highschool I woorke there as a volunteer for 2 months , you guys should have put some pictures from there , all those efforts Dr.Babur and the rest at WWF are putting in are going without recognition .