DACCA: The Government of East Pakistan has appointed a three-member Inquiry Commission headed by a retired judge of the Dacca High Court to investigate the circumstances leading to the large-scale eviction of Indian Muslims from their hearths and homes by the Tripura state authorities and the Government of Assam.

The Commission consists of Dewan Abdul Rub Choudhury, a member of the Provincial Assembly from Sylhet, and Mahbubul Huq, a Member of the National Assembly from Comilla-Noakhali, as members, besides the Chairman, Mr Abdul Jabbar Khan. It has been directed to submit its report to the Government within two months from the date it starts working.

In recent weeks several thousand Indian Muslims were evicted from their homes by the Indian troops and police in a planned way and deported to Pakistan in a miserable condition. These unfortunate victims of systemic eviction were not allowed to bring anything with them, not even money and clothes, and were packed into buses and trucks and whisked away to the border and then pushed into Pakistan through different border points in Sylhet and Comilla districts.

These refugees have been living in temporary shelters provided by the East Pakistan Government since their deportation, and are obviously without any means of subsistence.

Announcing the formation of the Commission in a Press note yesterday afternoon, the East Pakistan Government detailed the terms of reference and said that the process of eviction still continued, giving rise to a serious human problem involving thousands of refugees.—Dacca Correspondent

Officials asked to learn Bengali, Urdu RAWALPINDI: The Central Government officers have been directed to learn both Urdu and Bengali languages so that they can be posted in the province other than their own without difficulty.—Staff Correspondent



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