KARACHI, Dec 23: Mr Afzal Agha who died in Karachi on Saturday was a civil servant in whom the qualities of competence, modesty and integrity found the highest expression.

Before joining the civil service he had served in the Royal Navy for some years. In him, thus, were combined best of both traditions.

His term as chief secretary of West Pakistan before the restoration of the provinces with Air Marshal Nur Khan and Gen Atiq-ur-Rehman as governors was marked by total impartiality in administration.

Any reference to the origin, creed or family of the officials on their posting in sensitive departments or districts was dismissed by Afzal Agha as wholly irrelevant.

Only experience and integrity mattered.

Once appointed he would not interfere in their work nor influence their decisions.

This writer as the district magistrate of Karachi recalls having sought his advice in a troubled situation.

My judgment on the spot, he said, should be better than his while sitting a thousand miles away, was his reply and went on to assure me that if I ever got into trouble he would fully own my action. —Kunwar Idris



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