Carnage in Quetta: The day after
January 11, 2013

As many as 102 people had been reported killed on Thursday night in suicide and car bomb blasts in Quetta’s Alamdar Road area whereas 12 people were reported killed the same day when a bomb went off near a vehicle of the Frontier Corps at Bacha Khan Chowk. Meanwhile in Swat at least 21 people were reported dead and 70 others were injured on Thursday when an explosion ripped through a religious entre. The Chief Minister of Balochistan, Aslam Raisani has announced a three-day mourning period in the province on Friday, following the huge loss of life caused by these blasts. In addition, a strike was also being observed in Quetta against the deadly car and bomb blasts. - Photo by Agencies
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Jan 11, 2013 05:07pm
Thank you and I wish the same.
Jan 11, 2013 11:00am
I am an Indian. These scenes are indeed sad. Wish the Pakistani people well. Hope they stop this cycle of violence soon.:(
Jan 11, 2013 08:08pm
Pakistani Govt and specially the Govt in Balochistan Quetta are totally fail they dont know how to protect there people.....shame shame shame
Jan 11, 2013 08:22pm
I live in Canada. Here Indian Pakistanis endorse each other do business and make money. I dont understand why cannot they live with peace back home. Had Pakistan was more focused with Terrorism than India, this would have never happened. Now I know few leaders will blame India for this. But think about it, who will benefit from this in Pakistan? Think hard...
What benefit do you have if you neighbors house catch fire...
Just my 2 cents
Mohd Abbas
Jan 11, 2013 09:00pm
Pakistan now is sickenning; not a day goes by when ther e is not killing. Jus imagine; if you cannot live peacably with your own; how on earth can you with the minorities and others. Other nations. We are now becoming a laughing stalk with rest of the world. Butchers; murderers; and all of this in the name of religeon - disgusting.
Jan 11, 2013 10:54pm
In any other country, bombings like these would have put the entire country in a lockdown with security forces leave no stone unturned to punish the culprits. It is business as usual in Pakistan. The government simply Does Not Care!!
Jan 11, 2013 11:58pm
First Pakistan govt should make arrangements to build more mortuaries to keep the bodies safely instead of keeping it on roads. It should be really an asset in future. Wait for more bodies. Pakistan is crying for the fate of Muslims in India and Palestine. Hundreds of Muslims are being killed in Pakistan. First protect your own people. Then look after the welfare of others. You should reap what you sow.
Jan 12, 2013 02:13am
Sad scenes.How can humans do this to our own race?
First, the police officer in the area should be punished, along with all his superiors. Second, the Corps commander responsible for this area should be punished. And last, but not least, the politician representing this area should be punished.
Jan 12, 2013 08:51am
This reminds me of those famous lines -
" First they came for the Hindus and I did not speak out because I was not a Hindu.
Then they came for the Christians and I did not speak out because I was not a Christian.
Then they came for the Ahmediyas and I did not speak out because I was not an Ahmediya.
Now, they're coming for the Shias and I'm still not speaking out because I am not a Shia.
Let me not be surprised that, next, when they come for me, there will be no one left to speak out for me.
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