KARACHI, Jan 19: The first indigenously-built Agosta 90-B submarine, PNS/M Saad, proceeded to the sea for the first surface run and trials.
During the trials the submarines was tested for its propulsion system, chain steering system, fuel system, speed monitoring system, communication system and submarines habitability and atmospheric control system, a news release of ISPR said on Sunday.
The submarine successfully cleared all the trials for systems as per trial performance requirement. This marked the end of harbour trial phase in which 750 trials were carried out before proceeding to sea.
Submarine Saad has progressed much satisfactorily during all phases of construction, outfitting and trials.
This signifies the quality standard achieved in construction, which are validated during the test of performance at sea in actual operation environment.
Commander Logistics Rear Admiral Farooq Rashid, who himself is a mariner, was present on the occasion and witnessed the quality of performance of the indigenously-built submarine.
Pakistan Navy submarine, PNS/M Saad, will be inducted into PN fleet in the mid of this year.—APP