LAHORE, Feb 18: A delegation of 19 people from Turbat on Monday staged a hunger-strike camp outside Wapda House to demand compensation for tens of thousands of people affected by the 2007 Mirani Dam disaster.
Holding Wapda and the Planning Commission responsible for the incident, the protesters demanded immediate release of promised Rs4.3 billion in lieu of damages to houses falling between 264 feet to 271.4 feet Average Mean Sea Level (AMSL), date trees and Karezat from 245 feet to 271.4 feet AMSL. When the Mirani Dam was built in 2007 with a cost of Rs5.7 billion, experts determined that water levels would not go beyond 245 feet AMSL, but on June 26-27 the backflow from the dam reached 271.4 feet AMSL and caused widespread destruction in Nodez, Nasirabad and other areas of Kech, Balochistan.
The government initially ignored the issue and then agreed to pay compensation for 264 feet AMSL. But after several protests, rallies and even a hunger strike camp in Lahore in last April, Wapda, the Planning Commission and the government finally agreed in December 2012 to pay compensation for up to 271.4 feet AMSL.
However, the compensation for 264 feet haven’t been fully paid and there are no signs of payments for house damage above 271.4 level or compensation for date trees, tubewells and Karezat. This has prompted the affected people to once again travel from Turbat to Lahore, covering almost 2,000km by bus. The protesters intend to stay in the camp for as long as it takes.
Earlier, the Awami Workers Party (Lahore chapter) organised a press conference at the press club in support of the affected people. Farooq Tariq, general secretary of the party, gave full support to the demands. “Everyone makes big claims about Balochistan. The establishment and politicians are failing to deliver at all counts whether it is protection for people from violence or the impact of mega development projects.”
Hashim bin Rashid said: “This was a Rs5.8 billion project and huge money was spared for commission for corporations, bureaucrats and politicians, but nothing for people.”
Affected Wahid Bakhsh and Ahmed Baloch also spoke on the occasion and highlighted their plight of six years. “We have been living in tents and are deprived of livelihood. Wapda, the Planning Commission, the government and politicians all make false promises. We are here to demand justice,” Baloch said.
The Awami Workers Party plans to hold a people’s tribunal on Saturday, where the affected people would provide testimonies and witness statements.