Karachiites toss meat to eagles hovering over the Native Jetty Bridge to ward off the evil eye (nazr) and keep bad luck at bay. - Faysal Mujeeb/ White Star
Have you ever made an urban offering at Karachi's Native Jetty Bridge? What practices do you believe ward off the evil eye? What is your favourite memory of the Native Jetty area?
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Raza M.Qureshi
Mar 16, 2010 10:13am
Being a true Muslim we believe in evil eye (Nazr), that's why our president give black goat almost every second day to save his post from evil eyes, but in Karachi, this is not the right way to give meat to eagles on jetty bridge. You should not give meat to eagles in public areas where any accident can happen.
Mar 17, 2010 02:21am
I wonder why don't they give the meat to needy people, instead of eagles. They will get the blessings of the needy.
Mar 17, 2010 09:41am
Yes, instead, go to Mr. Raza's house for the purpose.
Mar 17, 2010 05:56pm
Because eagle blessings are very important. Poor people are useless, if their prayers were worth anything, they would have worked for them already, no?
Mar 18, 2010 11:07am
"A true Muslim" as Mr. Raza puts it, follows the Sunnah and Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). And the Holy Prophet (PBUH) used no such practices to ward off the evil eye. His only protection came from repeated recitation of Surah-Nas and Surah Falaq.
Mar 19, 2010 07:44am
This is a ludicrous practice and has nothing to do with religion. This is a cultural thing probably inherited from the hindus. If anyone can site any reference to such offerings in the Quran, I will also start doing this.
Mar 19, 2010 02:43pm
I tried feeding/offering some meat to the eagles once on the roof of my house in Karachi. I got a solid beating from my mom for doing so because the "meat" that I put up there was in fact a whole chicken leg piece and i was probably 12 years old. So I don't know about warding off evil eye, it sure gave me a black eye.
Mar 19, 2010 09:34pm
All humans have a supernatural side to them. It is the Soul, spirit or ROOH. There is indeed such a thing as evil eye. I have observed this a few times in our house. My sister in law has this destructive power and any that she liked or praised is certain to bite the dust. Those who possess this power, it is not that they do it maliciously, it is the greed, covetness of the object that causes that object to be destroyed. My wife got a car from her mom and this sister coveted it. I told my wife forget it. The car is history. We took the car, the next day it was stolen. We had a beautiful expensive candelabra with candles burning when she dropped by. She said, "what a beautiful candelabra!". Right in front of our eyes the candelabra broke into hundreds of pieces, and a few other incidences. It seems some souls or Roohs, convey us information, like in dreams, but they could be destructive. It defies the laws of Physics and points to a supernatural power.
PP, New York
Mar 20, 2010 04:32am
Yes offcourse anything that is bad comes from the Hindus and anything good should be from Muslims. Ignorance, Ignorance, Ignorance....is the root of all evil.
Mar 20, 2010 04:36am
Giving Sadaqa has been cited in Hadith and possibly in Quran to ward of calamaties that are bound to
struck brecause of human transgressions. While during this socio-economic turmoil , not every one can afford a goat, so I guess people depending upon their length of arm have come up with ways to give some thing to the creation of God, while most people can not afford a goat to be sacrificed they often settle on what ever quality of meat they can afford (usually animal jaw meat) to be given to birds (keeping clear in mind that eagles would not fuss on the quality of meat being fed)
Mar 20, 2010 06:51pm
I think there is no reference in the Quran about a correlation between feeding animals and avoidance of calamities. However the comments above demonstrate the variation in religious and cultural beliefs of us Pakistanis. Some cite the Quran as the source that informs of the evil eye and others claim such a tradition to have been inherited from "our" subcontinental and Indian background that is also being referred to as "Hindu" by respondents to this question. Regardless, people will continue to believe in what gives them a peace of mind and every individual will achieve peace of mind in their own way. This phenomenon demonstrates that there are as many Islams in Pakistan as there are Muslims however there is nothing wrong with that as it is only a matter of individual differences. For similar reasons, having one Sharia law in the country for 160-70 million Muslims with varying beliefs would also be a problematic and havoc causing idea.
Ali Murtaza AZim
Mar 21, 2010 02:30am
Same happened to me but with sugar.