KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 24: President Pervez Musharraf on Monday urged the non-aligned governments to help in a resolution of long- standing conflicts like Kashmir and Palestine and said NAM must not “shy away from the right of self-determination.”

Speaking at the opening session of the 13th NAM summit conference at the Putra World Trade Centre, the president said the movement must address the “root causes” of terrorism and pleaded for promoting “a universally-accepted definition of terrorism.”

While no cause justified terrorism, he said, NAM must not allow “anyone to manipulate the fight against terrorism or to de- legitimize just struggles of peoples against illegal occupation.” Any attempt to do so must be rejected “with the contempt it deserves.” The movement must remain, he said, “a symbol of hope for the peoples who, even today, struggle to realize their inalienable right to self-determination. Two supreme cases stand out — those of the oppressed people(s) of Kashmir and Palestine.”

The legitimacy of the cause of the peoples of Kashmir and Palestine, he said, stood recognized by the United Nations. Thus, NAM must work for “the realization of these just causes, and shun a selective approach to UN resolutions.” Chapter VI of the UN Charter, he said, provided the “best framework for the pacific settlement of disputes.”

Respect for international law, he said, should be the “cornerstone of NAM’s approach to the international humanitarian order.” The past decades had seen “flagrant violations of international humanitarian law” in Rwanda, Kashmir and Palestine.” This must be brought to an end, he said, and pleaded for the non-aligned movement raising its voice “collectively against genocide” and supporting the international criminal justice system.

The speech was brief and within the seven minutes given to every leader. It was in low key, the only indirect reference to the current Iraqi situation was in the form of a plea to fellow summiteers to achieve “equitable global disarmament” through negotiated agreements rather than forcible actions. The linkage between disarmament and security must be strengthened.”

The president dwelt at length on “the asymmetry of power” and asked the summit to counter-balance it by emphasizing principles.

This it could do, he said, by playing “a pivotal role in conflict resolution.” The asymmetry of power, he said, took different forms from unmatched military strength to unequal distribution of economic resources to permanent membership of the Security Council. “Such asymmetry undermines collective good.”

Pleading for the world’s equitable growth, the president said NAM must press for “a new agenda for development.” This would require, he said, “a new development consensus” centred on the people, which should replace the present “Washington Consensus” built largely around the idea of liberalization of economies.”


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