THE article by Mahir Ali 'The ghost of triumphs and tragedies past' (April 28) about Joseph Stalin is a farrago of utter falsehoods from a jumble of Trotskyist, Khrushchev, Cold War, and anticommunist sources.

A most telling fact is that Mr Ali's article contains not a single reference to any evidence in support of these lies.

Since I cannot refute them all in one letter, permit me to recommend the following research works to your interested readers

Grover Furr “Evidence of Leon Trotsky's Collaboration with Germany and Japan,” Cultural Logic (2009), http// This is about Leon Trotsky's lies, and direct conspiracy with the Axis powers.

Grover Furr and Vladimir Bobrov “Nikolai Bukharin's First Statement of Confession in the Lubianka,” Cultural Logic (2007), http// 2007/2007. html (originally published in Russian).

All the evidence we have shows that Bukharin was guilty as charged. He implicated all the other Moscow Trial defendants as well.

“The Sixty-One Untruths of Nikita Khrushchev”, an interview about my Russian-language book in which I show that Khrushchev's famous “Secret Speech” is composed completely of falsehoods.

I discuss many of the Khrushchev myths about Stalin's actions in World War Two in this book as well.

A new history of the Soviet Union, drawing upon documents from the former Soviet archives, is being written. The old anticommunist and Trotskyist lies can no longer be sustained. I have put links to some of these materials on my home page, http//

I urge you and your writers not to repeat anticommunist falsehoods uncritically and without evidence.

Montclair State University, NJ



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