HYDERABAD, Feb 28 Leaders of the newly-formed Workers Party Pakistan said on Sunday that implementation of the 1940 Resolution in letter and spirit was the only way to steer the country out of the crisis it was facing.
Yousuf Masti Khan, Akhtar Hussain and Usman Baloch said at a news conference that the resolution envisaged equal political and economic rights and opportunities for all people.
They said that Pakistan was in grip of political, constitutional, economic and social crises and feudal lords and agents of imperialist forces had taken over control of parliament.
They said that the ruling parties would never solve people's problems because their only objective was to loot and plunder and serve the interest of imperialist forces.
They said that the federation should keep with itself only defence, foreign policy, currency and communication and transfer other subjects to the federating units.
Agricultural land should be distributed among landless peasants, farmers and farm workers and water should be distributed among all provinces in a judicious manner under the 1991 water accord.
They said that the Workers Party Pakistan had come into being as a result of merger of National Workers Party, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party and other left wing parties.
A national conference will be held on March 20 and 21 in Lahore to formally accord approval to the party's constitution and manifesto.
Yousuf Masti Khan said the party believed that mixing of religion with politics, extremism, sectarianism and terrorism posed serious threats to the country.
He said the party stood for a secular state where people of different castes, creed, colour, religion and sects had equal opportunities for political, economic and cultural development.
The party, he said, would struggle against American and international imperialism and work for cordial political and economic relations with neighbouring countries.
He demanded that defence and non-development expenditures should be reduced, armed forces' interference in political affairs should be stopped and a new economic system based on equality should be established.
He said that every citizen had the right to health and economic benefits and employment and it was the duty of the state to provide these rights. Structural changes in the Constitution were inevitable, he added.