SUKKUR, Nov 21 Tandoors and restaurants in Sukkur and Rohri increased the price of roti on the first day of Eidul Azha when many households were forced to buy gas because of low gas pressure in houses.
Tandoors in Jinnah Chowk, Miani Road, Bunder Road, Qureshi Road, Teer Chowk, Military Road, Clock Tower, Old Sukkur and other areas have increased the price of plain roti to Rs6 from Rs5.
The prices of milk naan are Rs12 and of Taftan and Shermal Rs15 and Rs20.
Mehtabuddin, owner of a Tandoor, said that price of an 80kg bag of flour had gone up from Rs1,800 to Rs2,600 over the past few months and electricity and gas tariffs had also been increased and, therefore, they had been forced to increase the prices.—BoC