Today's Paper | June 30, 2024

Published 16 Oct, 2009 12:00am

OTHER VOICES - Pushto Press Defence of Pakistan

PRIME Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said that Pakistan has a robust defence system and no one can cast an evil eye on it. Talking to the Chinese defence minister in Beijing the other day, the prime minister said China's offer to help Pakistan's defence was laudable, adding that Pakistan would further enhance bilateral defence relations....

No doubt Pakistan is a responsible country and has the capability to defend itself in the face of any threat. But there is also no denying the fact that at the moment Pakistan is facing terrorism ... which ... can threaten its territorial integrity. Therefore, close defence cooperation with China at this juncture is all the more important. Help from China is expected ... to stave off terrorism.... As the government fears more attacks in the aftermath of the devastating bomb blasts in Peshawar Saddar and Khyber Bazaar, the police have cracked down on illegal Afghans in the provincial metropolis. This move on the part of the government is appreciated, but ... only those with a criminal track record should be ... brought to justice. — (Oct 14)

Kerry-Lugar bill

AFTER talks with Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, [Senator John] Kerry told media persons that ... toning down the language of certain clauses of the document would further cement Pak-US relations that were based on mutual respect.... He said that the Congress had passed the bill after a two-month long discussion therefore no amendments could be made. Foreign Daily Wahdat, Peshawar

Minister Qureshi, however, said that the will of Pakistan's parliament and people would be honoured ... For this very purpose Mr Qureshi is in the US to meet Congressmen and Obama administration officials to apprise them of Pakistan's reservations....

[T]he army objected to some of the clauses of the document terming them contrary to the sovereignty of the country. It is because of these concerns that the foreign minister is in the US. Everyone in the US administration that Mr Qureshi has met is of the view that the Kerry-Lugar bill is in the interest of Pakistan, but have said nothing about the concerns of the people and the armed forces of Pakistan. ...— (Oct 15)

Selected and translated by Faizullah Jan

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