Four-year old girl raped in Gujranwala

GUJRANWALA: A four-year old girl was allegedly raped by her neighbour on Wednesday, DawnNews reported.
The minor girl, daughter of a farmer called Imran, is the resident of a small village near Gujranwala.
The alleged accused Waseem took the little girl to nearby fields and assaulted her.
Upon hearing her screams, people from the area reached the spot. However, the accused managed to flee.
Meanwhile, the child was taken to District Headquarter Hospital Gujranwala where she is currently under-treatment.
The country has seen an increase in rape and child abuse cases over the years.
Earlier this month, the rape of a five-year old girl shocked the nation and was widely condemned.
Despite the passage of almost 2 weeks, police has been unable to trace any of the culprits involved in the heinous crime.