Today's Paper | October 05, 2024

Published 10 Jan, 2015 07:07am

Story time: The missing wings

ON a dark stormy night, Stephen was returning home from a party. He could not see clearly in the rain and on a sharp turn, he lost control of the car and it bumped into a tree.

Stephen’s head hit the steering wheel and he lost consciousness. When he woke up, the rain had stopped. Luckily, Stephen was not very hurt so he stepped out of the car and decided to look for some help and shelter. He started to walk and after sometime, he saw a light coming from a house. He walked to the front door and knocked. Nothing happened. He knocked again and called out aloud, “Is anyone there?”

He then felt as if someone was behind him. Stephen turned back with a jerk. He was surprised to see a girl standing in front of him. But what he saw behind her shocked him — the light from the house fell on the girl but behind her was just half of her shadow. Yes, just half a shadow!

‘But how can anyone have a half shadow?’ Stephen thought as a chill ran down his spine. Stephen opened his mouth but no sound came out.

“Hello! I am Cara. Do you need any help?” the girl asked as she came closer.

This time Stephen managed to speak, “I am Stephen. I have lost my way and need a place to spend the night.”

“That’s my home. Come inside,” Cara said and took him inside and showed him the guestroom to sleep in. The next morning when Stephen woke up, it was still raining. After he had freshened up, Stephen walked into the living room. It was empty. He looked around everywhere but he could not find Cara. While he was searching for her, he found a laptop — it was sparkling and had wings on it! He opened it and as soon as he did, the screen lit up with the words, “Welcome to Fairyland”.

The next moment he lost consciousness and when he woke up, he found himself in a different place! There were lots of flowers, fruits and butterflies everywhere. Stephen had never seen such a beautiful place before. He started exploring his new surroundings. He walked around for some time then he heard a soft and beautiful voice, “Hello friend! Can I help you?”

When he turned back, there was no one. Then the voice came again. It seemed to be coming from up and when he look up, there he saw a really beautiful lady who was flying! Her wings were exactly like those he saw on Cara’s laptop. Then the fairy took Stephen to a wonderful place with lots of fairies and two tall scary guards. The strangest thing was that everyone had the same sparking wings which he saw on Cara’s laptop.

“Can you please tell us how you came here as no one can come here except fairies,” one of the fairies asked him.

Stephan told them everything and asked if Cara was also a fairy? The fairies said that they would only tell this if he promised to help them. They told him that the wings had special powers and only fairies of Fairyland had this kind of special wings.

“It can be misused by anyone if it goes in the wrong hands. One pair of wings was missing, so we sent Cara down to the world to investigate.”

“Oh, very interesting! But how can I help you?” Stephan asked.

“You can help Cara to find the wings,” said a fairy, who seemed to be the queen.

“Okay, then send me back to the world,” Stephen requested.

“Keep this ring with you, whenever you need help you can pass your massage to us through it,” fairy queen told Stephen as she gave him a ring with two little wings on it.

In no time Stephen was back at Cara’s house but was surprised to see everything messed up.

“Cara, where are you?” Stephan called out and started looking for Cara. He just couldn’t find her. He had a feeling that something bad had happened when he was gone, so he decided to use the ring and call the fairies. He talked to them through it and told them that he couldn’t find Cara anywhere.

All the fairies started to look for Cara. One of them returned after sometime with a letter in which Cara had hastily scribbled, ‘Help me! Someone is trying to kidnap me.’

Everyone was shocked and Stephan said, “It’s a serious matter. But the question is, why would anyone kidnap her?”

“I think she had found out who had stolen the wings and she has all the information about Fairyland on her laptop and now it is also missing so anyone can use it against us. We should not waste time and should find her and the laptop as soon as possible because they can misuse it.”

“But how will we find out where she is?” Stephen asked.

“Now I think is the right time to use our special power, but we can use it once, and if we do any mistake, we will lose that power,” the fairy queen said to the other fairies.

“Hey, can anyone please tell me what special power you are talking about?” Stephen quickly asked, confused.

“Actually, every fairy has a special locket by which they can connect with each other if they face any problem, but we can use it once. It will not work more than once.”

The fairy queen tried to connect with Cara through the locket. What they saw in the queen’s locket shocked them — Cara was tied to a chair in a glass box which prevented her from escaping. The Darkworld dwarfs had kidnapped her. They were the fairies’ enemies and were always trying to harm them.

The queen quickly got ready to go with a few fairies and guards of the Fairyland. Stephen too wanted to help them so they told him to look for a silver cloak in Cara’s bedroom and wear it. It was a magic cloak that could take him anywhere he wished.

Stephen quickly located the cloak, wore it and wished to be where Cara was. In the blink of an eye, he was in a place where there were many dwarf-like people. They couldn’t see him because of the magic cloak.

A few dwarfs were sitting with Cara’s laptop, trying to access it but they couldn’t get the password right. Stephen, who was much larger in size than the dwarfs, managed to snatch the laptop and run from there. In the meantime, the fairies and guards arrived there and they broke the glass box and set Cara free. The guards then fought with the Darkworld dwarfs and when they were leaving, Cara told them that they had the missing fairy wings, locked in another glass box.

Cara then cast a spell that broke the glass box and took the wings with her, and they all safely escaped to Fairyland. There they all thanked Stephen for his help and, with their help, he found himself beside his car — which was as shinning as new, as if there had never been an accident.

Afterwards, when Stephen was driving back home, the sun was shining brightly and it seemed it had never rained! Stephen started to wonder, if it had really rained, if his car really had an accident and did he actually meet Cara and the fairies?

“Maybe it was all a dream,” Stephen thought, but then he saw a ring in his finger that had two small wings on it ....

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