Can’t do vigorous exercise like aerobics, treadmill, cycling, and yoga? Who said that’s essential for keeping fit? They are good and effective, no denying the fact but they are not the end all. Simply indulging in brisk walk in the nearby park or along the road is good enough to maintain your overall health. Unlike some other exercises walking is free and does not need and special equipment or training, and can be done any time of the day. Make sure you are doing it right and are regular at it, and you would be amazed to see what good it can do to you.
The best way is to wear loose, comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear.
Helps weight loss It is said that 30 minutes of brisk walk burns 200 calories; and burning calories mean weight loss.
Prevents disease
Walking on a regular basis prevents or keeps in control many conditions. It reduces the risk of heart diseases and stroke and lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol, while increasing the level of HDL or good cholesterol as well as lowers blood pressure. It is believed that 15 minutes walk after each meal can reduce blood sugar level for over 24 hours.
Strengthen your bones and muscles
Walking not only prevents loss of bone mass in people with osteoporosis but also stimulates and strengthens bones, increasing their density.
It also tones your leg and abdominal muscles — and if you are in the habit of swinging your arms while walking, it also tones the arms muscles. If you are paying attention to you posture while walking, it can tone your abs and shape your waist too.
Proper posture for walking is having your head up; your neck, shoulders and back relaxed; your stomach muscles slightly tightened and back straight not arched.