Washing machines or hand-wash are two ways to sort laundry matters. But here’s a surprise …did you know that by sticking stuff in your freezer, you can solve quite a few stubborn issues. Here’s how it works:
Furry sweaters
Some sweaters shed a lot of fur clumps behind. To stop that from happening, you can put your cardigan in a plastic bag, all nicely folded up and stick in the freezer. As the cold temperature draws the sweater’s fibres together, they are locked in place and no more shedding takes place. Now you want find clumps from your sweater sticking to the car seat or couch when you lounge around.
New shoes
With winter approaching, a lot of us will be wearing closed shoes. But sometimes one can be miserable when it becomes difficult to wear a new pair even for an hour without blisters and bruises. To end the tyranny of the new shoe, just toss it in the freezer. What you need to do is to fill some plastic bags with water and stuff them inside your shoes, especially the tighter, tyrannical parts! Put the shoe in the freezer, As the water freezes and expands, it will stretch the material so that when you stick your foot in now, you will not feel pain. This is one up on the old trick of sticking wet newspapers to expand tight khussas.
Chewing gum
It is so annoying when you find a yucky, sticky glob of gum on your clothes. Start pulling it and you will create a bigger mess with messy fingers as well because gum sticks strongly to fabric. The easiest thing is to put it in the freezer for a few hours. As the gum become cold and hardens, it will come off, way more easily. If gum is stuck on your shoes, it would be a better idea to wrap it in a plastic bag for hygiene purposes and then put in the freezer. Cold temperatures do kill off bacteria, however.