Sultan Khan, 72, is a small scale farmer. He has been cultivating groundnut crops for many years, because it is the sole crop that fulfils his financial needs. This year, he cultivated the crop over three acres of land and got 20 maunds (one maund is the equivalent of 40 kilograms) in yield.
According to Punjab agriculture department officials, the recommended seed variety of the groundnut should give a yield of 40 maunds from one acre, and yet production of the crop in the Potohar region averages 10 to 12 maunds per acre.
“This year groundnut production has been lower, so it is difficult for me to meet the expenses I bore during plough, cultivation and harvesting,” Mr Khan explained.
The groundnut, also known as the peanut, is the sole cash crop of the Potohar region, which consists of the Rawalpindi, Chakwal, Jhelum and Attock districts.
In Pakistan, the groundnut is cultivated annually on approximately 93,000 hectare acres and averages 86,000 tons in production. According to the agriculture department, however, annual production could reach 367,000 tons.
85 per cent of groundnut cultivation happens in Punjab, and within Punjab, the Potohar region contributes 86 per cent of the province’s total groundnut production. However, the area’s groundnut farmers have been largely dissatisfied with groundnut production, as it has not brought substantial change to their economic condition.
“The only benefit of the groundnut is that, at least, farmers could meet their agricultural expenses,” Mr Khan said.
But after last year’s torrential rainfall, crops have yet to be harvested, and this year many of Chakwal’s farmers chose not to cultivate the groundnut at all.
“The crop was badly damaged last year, and this year many farmers didn’t cultivate it because they feared it would be damaged by rains just like it was last year,” Asim Sikandar Mughal, the president of the Chakwal grain market traders union, said.
He added that groundnut production in Chakwal fell by 50 per cent this year, even though the district is considered the centre of groundnut production in the region.