War on the sidelines: Does Pakistan cricket mirror the country's political turmoil?
One keeps hearing about how the state of Pakistan’s cricket reflects the state of the country. According to this theory, the condition of cricket in the country and its team mirrors the economic and political situation in Pakistan.
This theory is popular in other countries as well. For example, Brazil’s dismal performance in 2014’s Football World Cup impelled many Brazilians to propose that the economic woes being faced by the country and the rise of corruption in Brazil’s political institutions were reflected in the way the Brazilian football team performed in the mega event.
Also read: Pakistan cricket — A class, ethnic and sectarian history
In 1974, when the Indian cricket team was battered by England (3-0) in a Test series, some Indian commentators suggested that the political upheaval being faced at the time by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had left the Indian society feeling agitated and cynical.
They suggested that it was this mind-set that was then also exhibited by the lethargic performance of the Indian cricket team on its tour of England that year.