Story Times: The weekly weird
The world’s cutest smartphone
If any robot can take over the world, it’s RoBoHoN. He has all the information you put in your smartphone — and can read human emotion.
RoBoHoN is incredibly useful, he can project photographs and films, tell you he loves you if he senses you crying, hail an Uber for you and basically do everything your smartphone can do and more, like dancing.
At the price of £1,300, he isn’t significantly more expensive than an iPhone if you factor in the hundred million charging cords you’ll have to buy when they all inevitably break.
RoBoHoN was created by Japanese electronics firm Sharp and stands at 20cm tall. It can walk around your home and acts as an outrageously cute personal assistant. It reads your texts, announces phone calls, works out alongside you, dries your tears and wakes you up. RoBoHoN can even recognise your face and greets you by name when you enter the room.
Now who wouldn’t want a tiny, adorable personal assistant like that?