Militant on trial sorry for destroying world heritage site
THE HAGUE: A Malian jihadist pleaded guilty on Monday to attacking the fabled city of Timbuktu and begged forgiveness as the world was shown sickening videos of him tearing down centuries-old Muslim shrines with a pick-axe.
At the opening of his unprecedented war crimes trial before the International Criminal Court (ICC), Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi also urged other Muslims not to follow such “evil” ways.
Mahdi, a former teacher and Islamic scholar, is the first person to plead guilty before the ICC and the first to face a lone charge for the war crime of directing an attack on a historic or religious monument.
“I plead guilty,” Mahdi said, after being read the charge arising from the 2012 attack on the Unesco world heritage site when a group of Islamist jihadists swept across Mali’s remote north.
Armed with videos, graphics and 360 degree landscapes, ICC prosecutors minutely catalogued before the three judges the destruction in the west African city, dubbed “The Pearl of the Desert.” The first of three prosecution witness also described the detailed methods, including satellite imagery, used to investigate the destruction.
Aged about 40, Mahdi is also the first Islamist extremist to appear before the tribunal launched in The Hague in 2002 to try the world’s worst crimes, and the first facing allegations stemming from the conflict in Mali.
He is accused of “intentionally directing attacks” against nine of Timbuktu’s famous mausoleums as well as the Sidi Yahia mosque between June 30 and July 11, 2012.
Founded between the fifth and the 12th centuries by Tuareg tribes, Timbuktu’s very name evokes centuries of history and has also been called “the city of 333 saints” for the number of Muslim sages buried there.
Published in Dawn, August 23rd, 2016