Today's Paper | March 19, 2025

Published 14 Oct, 2016 01:31am

Too early to wed


REKHA (not her real name), who lives in the Rangpur division of Bangladesh, got married when she was just 13 years old — “just after my first menstruation”, as she recalls. A year later, the 14-year-old had a child of her own, joining the ranks of the thousands upon thousands of adolescent mothers in a country where child marriage remains widespread, even though the legal age of marriage is 18 for females and 21 for males.

Rekha’s story is far from unusual. Almost one in two girls in South Asia — in countries including Bangladesh, India and Nepal — will marry before turning 18, and one in six will marry before the age of 15, if current rates continue. While the practice of child marriage has declined in South Asia over time, falling from 63 per cent in 1990 to 45pc in 2010, and from 31pc in 1990 to 17pc in 2010 for girls under 15, it nevertheless remains far too high In Bangladesh where 59pc of girls are married before the age of 18.

In Nepal, the figure is 37pc. Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, some 33pc of girls are married before age 18, and 21pc of girls in Pakistan. Child marriage is a practice that primarily affects girls but boys too. While a much smaller number of boys are married as children, there are also child grooms in the region, who marry even younger child brides.

Child marriage violates the rights of millions of girls.

For literally millions of girls like Rekha, child marriage violates their human rights. It threatens their lives and health, as well as their future prospects, exposing them to early pregnancy, and increasing their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse. Child marriage, quite simply, robs them of their future.

As the evidence shows, girls who marry young often become pregnant while they are still adolescents, putting them at risk of complications in pregnancy or childbirth — complications that are a leading cause of death among older adolescents in developing countries.

They are also more likely to experience violence, including sexual violence, than girls who marry over the age of 18 years, and to be more exposed to sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV.

When they marry, girls are often forced to drop out of school so they can assume household responsibilities, denying them their right to complete their education. Child marriage limits their opportunities including their job prospects, and has long-term effects on their families.

It also has negative impacts on their children. A recent global study in five middle-income countries shows that children born to mothers 19 years or younger have a 20pc to 30pc increased risk of low birthweight and pre-term birth compared to mothers aged from 20 to 24 years. Moreover, they have a 30pc to 40pc increased risk of stunting and failing to complete their secondary-level schooling.

While many countries in South Asia have laws in place to prevent child marriage, the practice still persists. Often, at the state and community level, traditional and customary laws still allow girls younger than 18 years to marry with the consent of their parents and other authorities. Unequal power relations between men and women, women’s and girls’ restricted rights and opportunities, and norms which place a higher value on sons rather than daughters reinforce the practice.

And, not surprisingly, vulnerability to child marriage increases during crises when family and social structures are disrupted — for example when families are separated during natural disasters or conflicts, or when they are faced with economic hardships that prompt parents to marry off their underage daughters.

Countries around the world have committed to “eliminate all harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriage, and female genital mutilation” in the Sustainable Development Goals that underpin the 2030 agenda whose central pledge is to leave no one behind.

UNFPA and Unicef are working together to end child marriage through a multi-country initiative to prevent girls and boys, from marrying too young, and support those already married. In South Asia, Unicef and UNFPA, in partnership with governments, are implementing proven strategies for change: keeping children — especially girls — in school, increasing their access to healthcare, educating their parents and communities, increasing economic support to families, and putting in place and enforcing legislation.

Just some days ago, Unicef and UNFPA hosted a meeting of experts from South Asia and around the world to share and build the evidence base for change.

Strong partnerships at all levels are required to end child marriage. The scale of the problem requires all of us, governments, local actors, the global community and the United Nations to act together to end child marriage. All of us need to join hands to give back to children, particularly girls like Rekha, their choices, their dreams, their futures — and their childhoods.

Yoriko Yasukawa is the UNFA regional director Asia-Pacific. Jean Gough is Unicef regional director for South Asia.

Published in Dawn, October 14th, 2016

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