Today's Paper | October 05, 2024

Published 12 Nov, 2016 05:54am

Story Time: Being special

It all started on February 7th, 2001. A beautiful chubby baby with rosy cheeks and a tiny little nose came into this world. When I first saw this child, I couldn’t take my eyes off his shining eyes. I could sense a deep meaning behind them. And even though I was nothing but a four-year-old girl, I knew he was the most beautiful miracle of God.

As he grew older, we realised that something was unique about this boy. He was different from me and my siblings. Soon my parents and the doctors were on the mission of figuring out what was wrong with him. My parents did everything in their power to do the best for him and soon all greetings and wishes were replaced with sympathy. I couldn’t comprehend what was going on, how can a child with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy and ADHD prompt such change of sentiments? How can people judge his actions which were not quite different from any other child’s?

He was still the same innocent child. He was so affectionate and expressed his love in such a powerful way that it just made our bond stronger. But thankfully, soon my parents also realised that there was nothing wrong with him, instead the only wrong thing here was society’s definition of normal. We have the inability of recognising, accepting and celebrating these differences.

He is that force which kept my family united. He is the child who is responsible for who I am today. I still remember that girl who cried and complained to God every time people mistreated him, the young lady who abstained from taking her brother to open spots and the young lady who wasn’t certain about her sentiments.

In any case, we joyfully acknowledged ourselves as a chosen and blessed family.

Time whizzes by, and it only seems like yesterday that the handsome young man who I’m proud to have for a brother was the baby with shiny, innocent eyes. The kid who wouldn’t make friends, who didn’t need friends, is now the friendliest boy of his age that I know! The way he now understands the invisible but unbreakable bonds of mutual, unconditional love and care between us is beautiful to behold.

Once a boy completely unconcerned with what he looked like, he has now, after years of patient, unceasing effort, developed impeccable habits of self-care. He is the most humane human being I have ever come across in my life. This little boy loves everyone equally without expecting anything back. He is far from racism, sexism and any other biases. He is so pure and so perfect, that it will not be wrong to admit that my love for him keeps on increasing day by day.

Throughout these 15 years I wasn’t just a sister to him, instead I played the role of a mum joyfully. I not only protected him from most people because of my fears, but I also did all basic stuff for him. I helped my mum to potty train him, I stayed up all night when he was sick, I fed him, I bathed him, I made him sleep, I hugged him when he got scared of the dark and loud noises, and I will continue to do all these things if he needs me.

With him I learned an entirely different language, the language of love. He didn’t say clear words, yet he said enough. And just like for parents a child never grows up, he will never grow old for me. He will always be that little baby whom I couldn’t take my eyes off of.

I know by now you will be thinking that I have done so much for my brother. But nobody knows what he has done for me. He is that force which kept my family united. He is the child who is responsible for who I am today. I still remember that girl who cried and complained to God every time people mistreated him, the young lady who abstained from taking her brother to open spots and the young lady who wasn’t certain about her sentiments. But today, thanks to him, I am the girl I never thought I would be.

He is the reason for who I am today. Just like you can’t separate the soul from its body you can’t separate him from me.

Published in Dawn, Young World, November 12th, 2016

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