Here is why Pakistan is more diverse than you thought

Up North
Our journey to explore the genius of Pakistan’s diversity begins in the country’s northernmost area, Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) which borders Afghanistan in the north and China in the east.
Main industries: Agriculture and tourism.
Literacy rate: 72%.
Main languages: Shina; Balti; Burushaski; Khowar; Wakhi.
Main faiths: Islam (largely Shia and Ismaili).
Main ethnic groups: Shins, Yashkuns, Kashmiris, Kashgaris, Pamiris, Pathans, and Kohistanis.
Political disposition: Progressive.
Social outlook: Moderate to liberal.

In the northeast of GB is the country’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province. It shares an international border with Afghanistan.
Main industries: Agriculture, marble, forestry, small arms and tourism.
Literacy rate: 62%.
Main languages: Pushtu; Hindko; Punjabi.
Main faiths: Muslim (largely Sunni). Also has a small Sikh community.
Main ethnic groups: Pakhtun and Hindko-speaking Punjabi.
Political disposition: Mixed.
Social outlook: Conservative.
East of KP lies Pakistan’s capital city, Islamabad. The region was a hilly and forested area with a few villages until it was built from scratch as the capital city of Pakistan in the 1960s. It is an entirely new city and is federally administrated.
Main industries: Information & Technology; service sector.
Literacy rate: 88%.
Main languages: Punjabi, Pashtu, Sindhi, Urdu and English.
Main faiths: Islam (largely Sunni). A majority of foreign expats following a variety of faiths are also stationed here.
Main ethnic groups: Punjabi, Pakhtun, Sindhi and Mohajir.
Political disposition: Moderate to progressive.
Social outlook: Liberal.
Deep Centre
Bordering Islamabad in the south is Pakistan’s largest and most populated province, the Punjab. It shares a long border with India.
Main industries: Agriculture, heavy machinery, sports goods, motor and aircraft parts, metals, cement and tourism. Punjab is Pakistan’s most industrialised province.
Literacy rate: 61%.
Main languages: Punjabi, Sariki, Pashtu, Urdu, English.
Main faiths: Islam (largely Sunni). There are also significant Christian and Sikh minority communities here as well.
Main ethnic groups: Punjabi, Sariki, Pakhtun and Mohajir.
Political disposition: Moderate.
Social outlook: Moderate.
Down South
In the southeast of the country lies the Sindh province. Like Punjab, Sindh too shares a long border with India.
Main industries: Finance; manufacturing; service sector; fisheries; natural gas; agriculture.
Literacy rate: 70%.
Main languages: Sindhi; Urdu; Punjabi; Pashtu; Sariki; Balochi; Guajarati; English.
Main faiths: Islam (mainly Sunni, but Sindh also has the country’s largest Shia Muslim community). There are significant Christian, Hindu and Zoroastrian minority communities here as well.
Main ethnic groups: Sindhi; Mohajir; Punjabi; Pakhtun; Baloch; Sariki.
Political disposition: Progressive.
Social outlook: Moderate to liberal.
Bordering Iran and Afghanistan is the mountainous province of Balochistan.
Main industries: Coal; Natural Gas; Marble; Shipbreaking; Fisheries.
Literacy rate: 43%.
Main languages: Balochi; Pushtu; Barhui; Punjabi; Urdu.
Main faiths: Islam (mainly Sunni).
Main ethnic groups: Baloch; Pakhtun.
Political disposition: Moderate to progressive.
Social outlook: Conservative.
Stats from:
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics 1998 Census Report