Make this vacation worthwhile
For every school-going kid, the two-month summer vacation is certainly the most awaited time of the year. So why not make it worthwhile too?
Ironically, most of us have no idea how to spend this time other than scrolling our social media accounts and sleeping for hours and hours. And if not that, then we are asking mum and dad to make plans to take you out somewhere to spend the vacation.
But let me tell you, this period of two months is a golden time and you must make the most of it because all round the year we are too caught up with our studies to pay attention to anything else. You might be wondering, so what can I possibly do this vacation?
our studies to pay attention to anything else. You might be wondering, so what can I possibly do this vacation?
Well, there is definitely a lot you can do and here I am going to give you some suggestions that are applicable to all of us, no matter what age group we fall into, in order to make the most of this leisure time.
The reason why I suggest this is the foremost thing you should do is that by de-cluttering not only do we clean and organise physical spaces but our mental space as well. After a year’s frenzy, your room and study space, etc., must have become pretty disorganised.
For instance, a lot of printouts, rough work pages, or scraps that you probably are not going to use again are lying among the books. You must have noticed that the messier your room is, the messier your brain feels too. You feel frustrated even when you are free and with no work load.
This is all because the junk that lies all around leaves psychological effects on us. Putting yourself into this clutter everyday reduces your efficiency to do work.
So first of all, take some time to clean up and organise everything. While doing so you may also come across many misplaced things, such as a book or your stationery set.
I can never emphasise enough on the power and importance of reading. When you hear the word ‘read’, do not automatically start to think about novels. There are many genres of books out there ranging from fiction to non-fiction to poetry to self-help, and each of it has its own charms.
Browse the internet or ask someone to recommend a good book to you. And even if this doesn’t ignite your interest in reading, you can go through magazines or general knowledge and trivia books and websites. Now you don’t even necessarily need to go out to purchase a book; you can read lots of them online for free. Reading is not only an excellent way to spend time, but it also allows your mind to grow.