The handbag horizon is a perpetually changing one, often symbolic of the changing times. Back in the ’50s, when people would travel by train, the hand-held travelling bag was considered a must-have. Also gaining popularity at the same time was the women’s vanity bag — a portable case with a hard, grainy exterior designed to hold make-up and accessories. In the swinging ’60s, beaded totes were the ‘it’ accessory to have. Designs developed over time, becoming ‘classics’: the embellished clutch, the bejewelled box bag, the cross-pleated hand bag and basic designs created from fine leather, textures or animal skin.
Perhaps, then, the evolution of the androgynous ‘man-bag’ is testament to today’s fast-paced world. Gender-bending, utilitarian bags have always been around but they are visible now more so than ever, becoming a popular choice for women on the go, albeit tweaked towards slightly effeminate design.
Murtaza Ali, the Managing Partner at M. Jafferjees, observes, “The conventional classic bags will always be purchased more frequently. Still, there is a small niche clientele that is now on the look-out for bags that are large enough to hold their laptops or paperwork and are resilient enough to be taken on long travelling trips. We usually create androgynous designs on order, according to clients’ particular requirements.”
The man-bag is not just an accessory; it’s a fashion statement
Interestingly, the man-bag comes in myriad designs and can be quite a fashion statement. The classic rectangular men’s briefcase may get rounded off to an oblong with the business-like exterior replaced by a quirky print or a cheeky colour. Local brand HOBO by Hub Leather has occasionally been observed delving into briefcase hybrids, smaller than their masculine counterparts and yet, big enough to hold important documents or a slim laptop.
The commute-friendly fold-over bag is a softer variation to the briefcase. It’s a frequently seen shape, available in genuine leather as well as synthetic material, usually in sleek austere hues: butterscotch brown, oxblood, olive, et al. Once again, its hold-all design allows it to be ideal for the working individual, man or woman.
Another bag design that has transcended gender restrictions is the cartridge bag with a robust, practical design that, as its name implies, allows it to hold hunting cartridges. With its equestrian design and subdued palette, the bag quickly moved beyond mere hunting trips to become a frequently spotted accessory for women at social gatherings as well as for the fashion-forward men.
Also, the cross-body schoolboy satchel is perpetually seen slinking at the periphery. Designed with a thick strap, buckled flap and conveniently placed pockets, the bag is uber-convenient — it was, in fact, used just by schoolboys back in the 1950s. Over time, though, the satchel moved beyond scholastic boundaries into the realms of fashion.