In order to persuasively prove the legitimacy of the term ‘Western Islam’, the author states: “Western Islam shares its fundamental Islamic beliefs, principles and values with Eastern Islam, but it has its own distinct history, culture and geography... Western Islam is as geographically widespread and culturally vibrant as Eastern Islam, if not more so.”
Khan’s selection of individuals embodying the book’s subject is far-reaching and fascinating. He begins ‘The Early Period’ with the pioneering secular Umayyad ruler of Spain, Abd al Rahman, who “... became the first European ruler to offer official recognition to his minority subjects, including Jews and Christians. As a result, they played a proactive part in the political, social, economic and cultural life of Andalus and did so without having to dilute or renounce their faith and culture. Thus the credit for initiating a culture of tolerance and co-existence [in Spain] ... must go to none other than Abd al Rehman...”
Beginning with that noble statesman, the author introduces us to over four dozen outstanding characters over a period of about a millennium and a half, including Noor Inayat Khan, the gifted linguist and incredibly daring South Asian woman who became a secret radio operator for Britain in Nazi-occupied France during the Second World War and sacrificed her life for the Allies. Another woman with an astonishing life was Roxelana, later known as Hurrem Sultan. Born into a Christian Orthodox family in Ukraine/Poland in the 16th century and sold into slavery multiple times, she became part of the Ottoman sultan Suleman the Magnificent’s harem and converted to Islam. Her stunning beauty completely captivated the sultan, but she was also highly intelligent and capable and soon came to exert a strong, benign and compassionate influence on political, cultural and welfare issues.
Khan concludes ‘The Modern Period’ with Muhammad Ali, the brave, brilliant boxing champion who transcended all conventional boundaries. As the eminent American poet Maya Angelou wrote of him, “Muhammad Ali was not just Muhammad Ali the greatest, the African-American pugilist; he belonged to everyone. That means that his impact recognises no continent, no language, no colour, no ocean.”
The ‘Honourable Mentions’ comprise shorter passages about diverse persons. From Al Hakam II in 10th century Cordova, who was “an insatiable seeker and disseminator of knowledge [whose] personal library alone housed around half a million books and manuscripts, being the largest library in the world” at a time when the printing press had not been invented and each book had to be handwritten, to Lord Rowland Headley — also known as Shaikh Rahmatullah al Farooq — of Ireland in the 19th/20th centuries who established the British Muslim Society in 1914 and served as its first president.
Upon reading Khan’s book, at least seven truths emerge. First, the advent of Islam in the West was only nominally through force, but most substantively, unlike hierarchal Christianity, Western Islam endured because of its egalitarianism. Second, Western Islam continued to exist, expand and thrive for hundreds of years after 1492 when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled Muslims from Spain, exerting its influence in various ways. For instance, Muslims ruled Hungary and other eastern European areas for 400 years thereafter, while Muslim Ottoman finery and textiles were the preferred choice at the court of England’s king Henry VIII. Third, in the first phase of Western Islam in Spain, the Umayyads rejected the custodians of Eastern Islam represented by the Fatimids in Cairo and the Abbasids in Baghdad. Fourth, the Western Judeo-Christian intellectual narrative — with only a few laudable exceptions such as historians Norman Davies and Fernand Braudel — has predominantly ignored and wilfully suppressed the continued influence of Western Islam on the evolution of European and Western development in the intellectual, scientific, economic and cultural realms. Even the renowned Bertrand Russell in his book A History of Western Philosophy, comprising 800 pages, devoted less than nine pages to Muslim contribution to philosophy.
Fifth, the manipulative, controlled and distortive narrative propagated by academia, the media and political segments of the West — particularly post-9/11 — which portrays Islam and Muslims to be polar opposites to Judeo-Christian values is neither true nor soundly supported by the historical record. Sixth, far more investment in research into Western Islam should be made by Eastern Islam, particularly by the oil-rich states. And finally, the seventh truth is that Western Islam, like Eastern Islam — but unlike Christianity which also originated from the east — is the most inclusive of the three Abrahamic revealed religions because Islam stresses respect for all prophets of the other two faiths.
For general readers and students, and for media writers and scholars, this book is worth reading and preserving. Minor errors will hopefully be corrected before the next edition.
The reviewer is a writer and former senator and federal minister
Great Muslims of the West: Makers of
Western Islam
By Muhammad Mojlum Khan
Kube, UK
ISBN: 978-1847741127
Published in Dawn, Books & Authors, March 24th, 2019