Make every day Earth Day
Every day should be Earth Day because we live on Earth! But how much we take for granted this wonderful, life-sustaining planet can be seen from the fact that we have devoted just one day of the year, April 22, as Earth Day. As if we live somewhere else the rest of the year.
We need to better understand our responsibilities toward Mother Earth and also what are the efforts being made, especially under the umbrella of Earth Day, to take better care of our home planet.
It was almost 50 years ago that this modern environmental movement started, in 1970. According to the details on Earth Day’s official website, Gaylord Nelson was the founder of Earth Day. A US Senator, Nelson was deeply disturbed by the damage caused by a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, in 1969. He worked to “force environmental protection onto the national political agenda” by tapping in on the “emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution.”
So on April 22, 1970, millions of Americans took to the streets and auditoriums to “demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies.” By the end of that year, the first Earth Day had led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts.
It was in 1990 that Earth Day went truly global, mobilising 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage. It also paved the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
Since then, many organisations and legislations have focused on the dangers faced by our planet and the efforts to prevent further damage.
According to the organisers, “Earth Day Network works year round to solve climate change, to end plastic pollution, to protect endangered species, and to broaden, educate and activate the environmental movement across the globe.”
Each year the event carries a theme, their main point of focus, and this year it is “Protect our species”. So many animal and plant species had either disappeared or are in acute danger of disappearing altogether in the near future. We are the culprits behind this loss. Our activities have led to climate change, deforestation, habitat loss, trafficking and poaching, unsustainable agriculture, pollution and pesticides, to name a few.
All living things have their own unique role in ecosystem, if we remove one, we disturb the whole system. Imagine it as all living things joined together in a web of life, if one string of the web breaks, it rocks and weakens the whole web. Particularly in the last one century, many species of animals and plants have disappeared, steps are taking place to preserve those who are endangered and make efforts to prevent loss of further valuable life forms.
There have been a few victories in the form of policies and conservation efforts that have seen a halt, and even reversal in some cases, in the number and speed of loss of endangered species and their habitats.