Since the beginning of this year, several primary schools in Birmingham have been subjected to protests by mainly Muslim parents — a significant number of whom are of Pakistani heritage — concerning Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual plus (LGBT+) awareness in the curriculum. Such has been the vitriol from this prolonged campaign that many staff members have begun to lose weight and have had trouble sleeping because of stress.
It all started when Andrew Moffat, the assistant head teacher at Parkfield Community School, came up with the No Outsiders programme to teach children about the Equality Act 2010, diversity and British values. Through the use of storybooks, they covered issues such as race, religion, LGBT relationships, adoption and disability.
In January, a petition was raised by a parent of one of the students, claiming that these teachings were at odds with the Islamic faith. Talks between Moffat and some of the concerned parents were unsuccessful in resolving the issue. This led to heated protests outside the school as well as some pupils being kept at home.
Protests against an educational programme teaching tolerance in Birmingham’s schools have shed an unflattering light on regressive attitudes within the United Kingdom’s Muslim community
Despite No Outsiders and other similar programmes being paused not just at Parkfield, but also at multiple other schools across the city, the protests only picked up steam.
At the forefront of this movement is Amir Ahmed, who has coordinated protests outside at least seven schools, and Shakeel Afsar — son of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Council head Najib Afsar — who has led the protests outside Anderton Park Primary School. Neither of them has children attending the schools they are targeting, although Afsar did attend Anderton Park as a child.
Citing concerns about what the children in his community were being taught, Ahmed told the BBC, “We are a traditional community — we have traditional family values and morally we do not accept homosexuality as a valid sexual relationship to have.”
Afsar, too, has claimed he is taking action out of concern for the children being taught material that goes against the moral values he believes children should be raised with.
The protests have shed an unflattering light on what can be perceived to be regressive and homophobic attitudes that are prevalent amongst many in the Muslim community. It is nothing short of a tragedy that a vocal minority of bigots have caused immense damage to the image of British Muslims.
These protests are homophobic, regardless of what those taking part may claim. It is farcical to see parents, who wave placards that read “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” and claim that gay relationships go against accepted norms and moral values, take offence to being called out for their homophobia.
Jess Phillips, the Member of Parliament for Birmingham Yardley, is quoted by the Guardian as saying, “It is hate-preaching. The protest has to be stopped. I feel like everyone is pussyfooting around a load of bigots. They shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the schools. These are people with a religious extremist agenda. They are holding schools under siege.”