The weekly weird
Turtle missing back legs gets Lego wheelchair
This turtle has a new set of wheels. Pedro, 15, is able to move around again thanks to vets who fitted him with a special contraption made using Lego.
Pedro’s owner Sandra Traylor, who adopted the turtle when he had three limbs, decided to get help from Louisiana State University’s (LSU) Veterinary Teaching Hospital after the animal recently lost a second leg while in her garden.
LSU’s School of Veterinary Medicine communications manager Ginger Guttner told CNN: “There was nothing medically wrong with him. But of course he didn’t have any back legs, so our doctors quickly had to figure out what they were going to do.”
Intern Kelly Rockwell came up with the idea to attach Lego pieces under Pedro using glue and then fix some wheels on. It worked and the pet can now actually run faster than other box turtles because of the special wheelchair.