In his book Resolving Environmental Disputes in Pakistan: The Role of Judicial Commissions, Dr Parvez Hassan has taken an important step in sharing his long experience of heading judicial commissions set up to resolve environmental disputes in the country. Dr Hassan is widely acknowledged as being Pakistan’s premier environmental lawyer. In this book, he brings to light the many iterations of environmental commissions that have been set up in Pakistan since the 1990s with his involvement or under his leadership. As readers will come to appreciate, the book tells a very personal tale that is commingled with national and international environmental trends.
The book details the admirable work of 10 commissions which have certainly advanced the causes for which they were set up and have achieved significant gains as ad hoc solutions to long-standing problems. But while there is nothing wrong with an ad hoc solution per se, given the environmental challenges the country faces, their long-term efficacy must be questioned. Given that a commission is set up for a given purpose — for example, whether and under what conditions should Houbara bustard hunting be allowed — it is difficult to see what institutional memory can build up or transfer from one to the next. What is also clear is that the efficacy of a particular commission is gravely reliant on the interests and tenure of a given judge. One challenge amongst the others detailed below that the book does not tackle, is the conundrum of whether all disagreements are solvable by consensus amongst relevant stakeholders — sometimes with starting positions that are diametrically opposed to each other.
Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, former chief justice of the Lahore High Court and presently a Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, has written the book’s preface. In it, he recounts that he and Dr Hassan share a deep concern for the environment that led to their very fruitful collaboration furthering the country’s green jurisprudence while he was at the Lahore High Court.
The importance of judicial commissions’ role in environmental protection is offset by the inadequacy of ad hoc solutions
Under Justice Shah, the Lahore High Court realised that developing environmental jurisprudence requires multidisciplinary knowledge ranging from economics to the natural sciences. In Dr Hassan, the Court found the right person to tap and lead the range of experts it needed to tackle the myriad challenges for which the Court took responsibility. As this book clearly reflects, Dr Hassan has been able to call on a wide variety of the country’s most respected citizens and professional experts to help him, on a pro bono basis, with the work of the various commissions. At times, for example, various environmental groups stepped up, for instance, to cover a particular expert’s travel costs, while relevant government departments were, in fact, directed to administratively support the work of a commission.
While such civic sense on the part of broader civil society is indeed laudable, one still ought to consider carefully and critically the efficacy of such ad hoc approaches to what are, after all, longstanding systematic problems.
Other than a brief introduction, the book does not offer a detailed account of the origins of Pakistan’s environmental jurisprudence. Some such account would have helped readers understand the social, political, economic and legal forces that led citizens to approach the courts in defence of their fundamental constitutional rights. Such an account would recount for readers the fact that, once citizens began to approach the courts for the protection of their environmental rights, the superior courts responded by expanding the meaning of ‘right to life’ in the Constitution to include the right to a clean environment, even though there is no such constitutionally protected fundamental right.
We do learn that the process began with the seminal case for environmental law in Pakistan: Shehla Zia versus Wapda. In 1994, the country’s Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) wanted to build a high voltage grid station in a residential area in Islamabad that residents of that area objected to. Dr Hassan was counsel for the petitioner. From then onwards, the scope and place of judicially appointed commissions for causes that aim to protect the environment and people’s rights has only expanded.