Today's Paper | July 08, 2024

Published 30 Oct, 2019 07:16am

Social media anxiety

SOCIAL media’s use is fast becoming an anxiety among the youth of today. Owing to the pressures teenagers take upon themselves because of social media, their life and prestige among their peers revolves around trying to conform to the mores that this platform demands. Therein, lays the problem.

Our youth think social media is a platform where they can feel less lonely but they are unaware that it can lead them into trouble.

The use of social networking sites has the potential to aggravate mental health issues like depression, addiction, problems falling asleep and negative interaction. All these maladies are related to higher levels of anxiety.

I appeal to parents to monitor their children and interact with them so that they don’t feel neglected and withdraw into the dark recesses of the ether world.

Ayesha Ahmad



OFTEN we see abusive language, filthy material, non-serious content and useless and meaningless posts. Posting unauthentic and unreliable material is also a common feature. One’s private life is widely discussed and condemned by many.

In other words the social media is being used as a weapon for criminal purposes. Accordingly, there is a need to bridle social media in Pakistan by framing strict cyber laws for those who misuse it.

Faiz Naeem


Published in Dawn, October 30th, 2019

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