Today's Paper | September 20, 2024

Published 05 Sep, 2020 07:08am

Story Time: Mum knows best

“James, a mother always knows the best for her child,” his mother said, lovingly patting his hair as he lay in bed, too weak to speak. James’s thoughts went back to the events that led to his present condition.

James had woken up early. He then went to his parents’ room, where he found his mother combing her hair.

In a blaring voice, he started chattering, at which she shushed him. He complained of her reducing his rights to freedom of expression only to hearing commands.

“I am not seeking you to reduce your rights, honey, just your volume,” his mother explained patiently.

Sulking, James returned to his room and bed.

“Why does she have to scold me for everything?” James grumpily thought. Lying in his bed, he switched on his phone and started messaging his friend, Adrian. Adrian disclosed the plan of friends coming over to spend the day at his place and invited James too.

James got up with excitement flooding through him. He was nervous to ask his mother for permission, but finally mustered up enough courage to do so.

The response of disapproval did not annoy him until his mother commanded him to stay in the house the whole day because of an earthquake prediction. James attempted to convince his mother with various reasons, telling her that seismologists do not yet know a way to predict the time when an earthquake could strike. But his efforts were in vain.

All his mother said was, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

However, James was determined to rebel this time. He pretended that he understood what his mother said and lied that he would study. Once his mother left, he sneaked out and was soon at Adrian’s place, which was not too far away.

As the sun sank lower in the sky and the light of day was almost gone, James and another friend made their way home. Suddenly, a large jolt was followed quickly by strong shaking of earth that lasted for a couple of minutes. These vibrations split the road in several places, people started running everywhere and there was chaos. James didn’t remember what happened next for he felt pain and everything went black

James’ opened his eyes slowly. He peered from his hospital bed before letting his head fall heavily on the pillow. He gazed at his mother sitting nearby him. He could not face her, so he shut his eyes tightly. The guilt of disobeying the one who loved him the most choked him up with shame.

His mother noticed his facial expressions, but let him be sorry to ensure he do not repeat it. But she was soon overcome with love and patted on his head and stroked his hair fondly.

James regretted his mistake with tears pouring from his blue eyes and realised that a mother always knows the best.

Published in Dawn, Young World, September 5th, 2020

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