Today's Paper | October 05, 2024

Published 27 Nov, 2021 07:08am

Motivation is the fuel for success

Have you ever bought a book by your favourite author, but find yourself unable to read it? Started a new project or chore and can’t find any motivation to complete it? Wanted to learn something new, but gave up after a few attempts? Do you often find that you start something, but lack the energy or will to complete it?

If that is the case, then what you are lacking is motivation. Motivation is important to overcome the challenges that life throws at us, or even to complete trivial everyday chores. If you don’t have motivation, you might even find it difficult to put away your books, clothes, shoes or toys. Lack of

motivation will not let you study, try new things or achieve anything worthwhile in life.

Does lack of motivation prevent you from doing what you want? Let’s check out some common reasons why we lose motivation or find it hard to complete tasks or goals that we set for ourselves.

You lack a strong reason to do something:

Sometimes in life, we have to do many things against our wishes. For example, a teacher assigns you a boring book for the school report. Your mother wants you to clean to your shoes closet. Your dad wants you to participate in a debate or sports competition. If these tasks go against your wishes, you will not be motivated to give your best.

But in such cases, it is very important to think of a better reason or purpose. Instead of thinking, “What will I get out of reading a boring book like Great Expectations?” try to think “This project is boring, but completing it will show my teacher that I am a responsible and hardworking student”; “I don’t see the point in cleaning my shoes closet again, but it will make my mother happy”; “Being in a debates team is boring, but now that I am selected, my team depends upon me.”

Shift your perspective from “I and me” to other people and if you care about their feelings, you will be motivated to give your best. A wise person once said, “No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up.” This is a good motto to have when you don’t feel like doing something.

Your project is too big/complicated to handle:

Did you plan on achieving something that is too big or difficult, and now you feel overwhelmed? This can make you lose your motivation very quickly. For example, if you planned on learning the entire geography chapter or clean your clothes closet over the weekend or read the entire Harry Potter series in a week, your mind will go “Aaaaaargh!” and you will give up after a few hours.

In such a case, think of your task as a big, ugly monster and break it into small manageable parts. Break down your geography chapter in three to four pieces and study them in the morning and evening, with plenty of rest in between. Count the number of drawers in your cupboard and clean them in batches instead of emptying the entire closet and burying yourself in piles and piles of clothes and accessories.

The famous American journalist Helen Rowland said, “You will never win if you never begin.”

So start your work with a clear plan and celebrate the small milestones that you achieve.

You doubt your own abilities:

Let’s suppose you want to learn calligraphy, but you can’t even draw a straight line properly. Or you want to start kitchen gardening, but you know you lack patience and can’t wait for weeks before the tiny shoots appear from the soil. You want to learn a new language but you are not sure if you will succeed.

Negativity and self-doubt can really kill your motivation. You start a project and a voice inside your head keeps whispering “Why are you even trying? You won’t get there anyway…”

In such scenarios, think of the challenges you did overcome. Tell yourself that even if you achieve little, you would have achieved something and learned something new. Don’t let the fear of failure demotivate you from even starting a project.

Tell yourself “I will give myself three to four months before I even think of quitting.” You will be surprised how far you have come from the starting point, if you can just stay motivated.

Remember the wise words of Confucius, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

You are afraid of other people’s opinions:

When you fear too much about what other people would think or you can’t handle criticism, you will have a hard time staying committed to a goal. Anxiety, fear of embarrassment and excessive worrying won’t let you stay motivated, because at the first sign of failure you will be ready to give up.

In such cases, either don’t tell anyone till you get the desired results or train yourself to be so confident that other people’s opinion does not demotivate you from achieving your goals.

Let’s suppose you start writing a story or an article for your favourite children’s magazine. But you are afraid that if it does not get published, your friends or siblings might make fun of you. Well, you have to ask yourself, will you let such things stop you from trying? Many famous authors got rejection letters from their editors before they became famous.

In words of Aristotle, “Criticism can be avoided easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.”

While it is important to respect other people’s opinion, it should not become a roadblock to your own dreams and success.

You do not have a clear vision:

It is hard to stay motivated on a project if you do not know what the end result would look like. For example, you have a bad habit like chewing nails, or getting into arguments, or telling lies, or addiction to junk food or video games. You want to get rid of such habits, and you tried but failed. You lose motivation and think you can never overcome the bad habits.

In such a case, write down all the benefits you will get from achieving your target. Add to this list all the problems you can face if you do not stay committed to your goal. Write down where you see yourself three to five years in future with these issues. How will it affect you as a person and your relationship with those around you?

Imagine the negative consequences as vividly as you can in your mind to boost your motivation for changing your habits.

The ancient Roman philosopher Seneca once said, “Our plans often miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbour he is making for, no wind is the right wind.”

So have a clear vision of what you want to achieve even if it is something as simple as learning to kick a football into a net.

More tips for staying motivated:

• Meditation and praying for success always helps and so does having a good night’s sleep.

• Take good, nutritious diet so that you are fresh and healthy to tackle problems. It’s hard to be motivated for any task if your mind is sluggish and the body constantly tired.

• Read biographies of famous people to know how they defeated the odds against them.

• Read motivational quotes because they contain wisdom condensed into a few words which can inspire and encourage you whenever you feel down.

• Helping others or doing a small good deed always has an uplifting effect on your mood, and people who are kind and compassionate are always more motivated in their personal lives.

• Writing a to-do list and striking off things off the list as you accomplish them makes you stay motivated.

Staying motivated until you reach your goals and achieve your dreams isn’t always easy. Often you will feel like the path to success is an obstacle course with hurdles, distractions and stumbling blocks.

And it is easy to lose your energy and momentum somewhere along the way. But it is also a fact that people who are motivated do not waste their time, energy, skills or health in unproductive and futile things. In face of trials, failures and setbacks, they persevere and think of new ways to succeed.

So get up and get going and you will soon leave the starting point far, far behind.

Published in Dawn, Young World, November 27th, 2021

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