Today's Paper | September 17, 2024

Published 04 Apr, 2022 07:33am

From The past Pages Of Dawn: 1972: Fifty Years Ago: ‘ML support not binding’

PESHAWAR: The National Awami Party and Jamiatul Ulema-i-Islam today [April 3] formulated their unanimous opinion about their obligation to vote for Martial Law under the Tripartite Agreement and stated that there was no clause which could make their support for Martial Law binding. Both the parties, after a joint meeting of their High Commands, proposed that if this interpretation was not acceptable to the President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court should give his verdict and all parties should accept it.

Maulana Mufti Mahmood said after the meeting that the People’s Party had violated the Tripartite Accord by not fulfilling its promise of appointing new Governors in the NWFP and Baluchistan. Despite repeated promises made by the President, the announcement was not made and excuses were being forwarded. — News Agencies

[Meanwhile, news agencies add from Peshawar,] President Bhutto has sent a lengthy telegram to Khan Abdul Wali Khan, the NAP chief, seeking clarification of his [Wali’s] statement that the NAP and JUI were not bound by the tripartite accord to vote for Martial Law or repose confidence in the Government during the short National Assembly session.

Published in Dawn, April 4th, 2022

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