Today's Paper | July 08, 2024

Published 03 May, 2022 07:44am

From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1972: Fifty Years Ago: Four PA sessions begin

KARACHI: Sessions of all the four Provincial Assemblies began yesterday [May 2] in the respective capitals, under the interim Constitution. In each case, the provincial Governors addressed the House. Not much business was transacted in yesterday’s sittings as oath-taking by the MPAs, addresses by the Governors and elections of Speakers formed the main items on the agenda. In the Punjab Assembly, which has 186 members, even the administration of oath could not be completed in the inaugural session. — Bureau report

[Meanwhile as reported by a staff correspondent from Quetta,] The Governor of Baluchistan, Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, said that the Provin­cial Government was determined to establish the Rule of Law and safeguard the genuine rights of all sections of people in the province. Govern­ment, he added, would take all steps necessary to weed out elements of exploitation from society.

... [Staff correspondent adds from Peshawar,] The NWFP Provincial Assembly began its session here today [May 2] after 17 long years on a confident note for the NAP-JUI Government which secured a vote of confidence of the House when their nominee got elected to the Speakership with a clear majority.

Published in Dawn, May 3rd, 2022

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