Today's Paper | September 13, 2024

Published 25 Jun, 2022 01:00pm

Opinion: Pressured by peers

Peer pressure is when one’s behaviour is affected by people of the same age, who can either be your friends or a social group. Due to peer pressure, one feels pressurised and often does things that can change their personality or even go against their beliefs.

Occasionally, peer pressure can be positive. When all the class fellows and friends are doing well in their studies, we will be automatically pushed to work harder and do well in class. When we see someone giving charity to the poor, we feel influenced to do the same. These are just some of the ways peer pressure can positively affect me and you.

On the other hand, peer pressure can often influence us in a negative way. When children are under pressure to be cool in front of their mates, they tend to do things against their beliefs, such as dressing up weirdly or smoking. They feel like they have to do these things to fit in and be a part of the cool crowd.

Sometimes, children are also influenced to bully other children, steal or cheat just because the so-called cooler gang will make fun of them for being sissy and exclude them from their group. This is why we find it necessary to do the things we are being pressurised to do.

We are the ones who should decide what to do with our lives. We should avoid being pressurised by peers and when we are in that position, we should be persistent in our beliefs and do the right thing. Being part of the cool group isn’t everything, instead should focus on our studies as it is better for us in the long run.

Anyone who claims to be our friend would never force us to do something or behave in a certain way that we are uncomfortable with. They will accept us for what we are and never bully us into being what we are not.

When we are doubtful, we should go to our parents, teachers or our older siblings for guidance and advice. They are the ones who are concerned about our well-being and will guide us the best.

Published in Dawn, Young World, June 25th, 2022

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