Today's Paper | July 08, 2024

Published 23 Oct, 2022 07:29am

From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1972: Fifty Years Ago: Talks after pullout: India

NEW DELHI: In an exclusive interview with “Dawn”, the Indian Foreign Minister, Sardar Swa­ran Singh, said that with withdrawal of tro­ops expected within a fortnight of the approval by Pakistan and India of maps with the [Line of Control] delineated, the two Governments could look forward to a meeting of their representatives “at any level and at any place”. In fact, they could decide to meet even before the withdrawals were completed. Mr Swaran Sindh envisaged such me­­eting as a follow-up of the Simla accord to pick up matters which the two sides had agreed would be taken up after the withdrawals to press forward to a normalisation of relations... . — Overseas correspondent

[Meanwhile, as reported by the staff correspondent in Quetta,] The Baluchistan Governor, Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, said that the Constitution Committee, which would meet on Nov 20, would remain in session till the task assigned to it was accomplished. The Committee, he added, would in all probability submit the Constitutional document by Dec 31 to the Constituent Assembly for approval.

… Mr Bizenjo said that the Constitutional formula evolved by the parliamentary leaders guaranteed national stability... .

Published in Dawn, October 23rd, 2022

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