Today's Paper | March 14, 2025

Updated 14 Mar, 2023 12:36pm

The statues which spoke - Part 1


“My mother, Bea, is teaching pottery this weekend. Anyone interested in attending?” announced Dell the mischievous beaver when he met Din Din, Dazel and Delma on Friday evening at the lake.

“Pottery!” cried Dazel in excitement. “I’ve never done it before. I will surely come.

“Count me in too,” said Delma with a smile. Din Din also agreed and asked, “What will your mother take in payment?”

“Half a kilo of any edible item,” added Dell as he scampered away.

“The pottery session starts at 9:00am sharp tomorrow morning!” he yelled.

So the next morning, the three friends assembled at the dam which Bea and other beaver families had built artfully. “Do you know beavers are magnificent architects? The way they fell trees to make their dams and lodges may seem haphazard but it is amazing,” shared Dazel.

Quite a few young creatures had assembled, intrigued by their interest in pottery. There were 12 creatures in all who were looking in interest at the assortment of potters wheels and clay mounds which lay outside the beavers’ lodge.

“The clay we will use today is earthenware clay which also contains iron and other mineral impurities. Clay is not just any soil. It is used for pottery because it has the ability, when mixed with proper amount of water, to form a shape,” explained Bea in her kind voice.

She divided everyone into pairs and gave them a potter’s wheel and clay to work with. Delma and Dazel floated at the water’s edge and experimented with a variety of shapes on the potter’s wheel which they had placed on the bank. “I don’t just want to make any pot or bowl,” said Dazel. “I want to make something different.”

“Like what?” quizzed Delma. Then the dolphin had a brainwave. “I know! Let’s make sculptures of animals.”

“Aha!” said the delighted Dazel.

Delma who was an art whiz quickly adapted to the wheel’s movement.

Soon she had molded a lump of clay into a rabbit-like creature. Dazel took a few twigs, sharpened them and gave the statue details like a mouth, nose, eyes, ears and even fur.

“Oh my! This actually looks real!” marveled Bea as she saw what the two friends had made. The other creatures who had made pots and vases — many lopsided — also oohed in admiration. Even after the other young potters had dispersed and gone home, Dazel and Delma, encouraged by Bea’s words, continued to make several other animals and birds. There was an eagle and an octopus as well as a dinosaur.

“Now you must let them dry in the hot sun,” suggested Bea. “Do take them with you. You both are very talented!”

Pleased as punch, it was nearly evening when the two friends went towards the lake’s bank where Delma lived. “Let’s leave the statues on this high rock. They are still a bit moist,” advised the dolphin.

That night, fulfilled by a day packed with creativity and spent with friends, Delma lost herself in slumber, looking forward to what Sunday would have in store for her. Suddenly, a voice startled her, “Hello Delma,” the eerie voice whispered.

The night was pitch black and the moon was hidden behind the clouds. Delma was disoriented by the sleepiness which was overpowering her senses. “Am I dreaming?” she thought to herself groggily.

“It is I, the rabbit you made,” continued the whisper.

Now Delma’s eyes flew open. All drowsiness fled. Before her, perched on the rock were the clay statues she and Dazel had made. The rabbit was the tallest among the figures and its beady eyes seemed to look right at Delma. Even though its mouth did not move, the sound was coming from it. “Yes, now that you have made us, you must feed us,” the rabbit continued.

“Yes, how inconsiderate of you not to worry about what we will eat!” came the reply from the eagle who seemed to look at Delma menacingly, its wings spread in flight.

“I want fish to eat,” came the creepy sound from the octopus.

And I want lots of fruit!“ declared the dinosaur statue.

Delma’s teeth began to chatter in fear. “All…all I have is some fruit. W…will you all have it?”

“Yes,” came the ominous reply from the rabbit. Now leave the fruit here on the rock and leave. We wish to eat alone.“

Hurriedly, Delma placed some oranges on the rock, which Din Din had gifted her. Without waiting for any response from the statues, Delma fled towards the Aquatic School premises.

There was no other creature except her school principal, Olly the Octopus, whom she could turn to at this hour.

Olly was sleeping near the coves where the sprawling Aquatic School premises lay. Delma was breathless by the time she reached him. “Olly, Sir! Please help me!” the dolphin cried. She poured out the entire story to the startled octopus.

“What you are saying is impossible, Delma. If it was anyone else who had told me this tale I would never have paid heed to it,” Olly said after he had heard Delma’s confusing account.

“Please come with me. I can prove it,” Delma urged.

So the two aquatic creatures swam quickly towards Delma’s home. The sun was beginning to rise when Delma showed the statues to Olly. But they seemed as lifeless as the soil they were made from.

“Delma,” Oily said reassuringly, “Maybe it was a dream.”

“No! It wasn’t! If it was then where are the oranges? They would still be here near the rocks where I store my food,” the dolphin cried.

Olly remained silent. He was as confused as Delma now.

(End of part 1)

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