Today's Paper | July 04, 2024

Updated 24 Mar, 2023 10:03am

Photographs depict struggle for creation of Pakistan

RAWALPINDI:An exhibition of old photographs depicting Pakistan Movement titled Roshani ka Safar kicked off at Rawalpindi Arts Council (RAC) on Thursday to mark Pakistan Day celebrations.

More than 100 photographs were displayed in the art gallery showcasing the political struggle of the father of nation Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Mohammad Iqbal and other leaders of the Pakistan movement.

Moments from the freedom movement, the Muslim League and the life of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah from 1857 to 1947 were captured.

In some pictures, Quaid-i-Azam was with Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru besides British officials. In other pictures, the photographers captured shots of leaders during rallies and public meetings.

The exhibition was inaugurated by RAC Director Waqar Ahmed and former resident director Naheed Manzoor.

The arrival of refugees to Pakistan after independence in 1947 and the atrocities on the way were also revealed in the exhibition.

Ms Manzoor said that freedom is the greatest blessing in the world. Pakistan is the realisation of dreams of the Muslims of the subcontinent.

“After seeing the photo exhibition, one wonders how Pakistan came into being after so many sacrifices and difficulties. Mr Jinnah made a dream come true by working day and night,” she said, adding that our young generation is very hardworking and worthy. It must protect Pakistan on an ideological basis, she said, adding that the objective of the photo exhibition is to bring to light those who sacrificed their lives and property for Pakistan.

RAC Director Waqar Ahmad said that the resolution passed in Lahore on March 23, 1940 proved to be a forerunner of independence. Keeping in mind the struggle with which the founder of Pakistan worked tirelessly to achieve Pakistan, we have to take a pledge on the occasion of Pakistan Day that we will not hesitate to make any sacrifice for Pakistan.

“Allah has blessed Pakistan with abundant resources. Pakistan is emerging as a stable democratic country in the world and is on its way towards becoming a rising power in the region,” he said.

“Today we are breathing in a free atmosphere because of Quaid-i-Azam,” he added.

Published in Dawn, March 24th, 2023

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