Today's Paper | July 08, 2024

Published 07 Apr, 2023 07:04am

PPP rejects Punjab poll verdict

LAHORE: Punjab PPP leaders say a verdict on Punjab elections by three judges is not acceptable to them.

Speaking at an iftar dinner here on Thursday, information secretary Shehzad Saeed Cheema said the PPP was ready to contest the polls, but the court verdict should be given by a full court of the apex court.

He said questions would be raised on the verdicts ignoring the majority of judges in the apex court as well as the parliament.

He said the PPP had always challenged dictatorship, unlike other parties.

Neelam Jabbar, Nayab Jan, Faiza Malik and Chaudhry Sajjad were also present.

Mr Cheema said the political crisis had spread all around paralysing the masses psychologically. In such a situation, he said, the PPP demands that state institutions work within their constitutional domains.

He said the party was averting polls as it had so far finalised tickets for all seats except in three divisions of Punjab.

Mr Sajjad said the incumbent government was not violating the Constitution rather it had rejected the decision of three people.

Published in Dawn, April 7th, 2023

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