Today's Paper | July 05, 2024

Published 10 Jun, 2023 06:57am

Rs950bn allocated for development

ISLAMABAD: Develo­pment projects in exports, equity, empowerment, environment and energy framework and CPEC, as well as projects to help mitigate the effects of the 2022 floods, have been given priority in the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for 2023-24, with a total outlay of Rs950 billion.

Priority has also been assigned to infrastructure, with over 52 per cent of the allocations of Rs950 billion, followed by the social sector having 25.5 per cent and regional development (AJK, GB and merged districts of KP) with 12.5 per cent.

The PSDP is the government’s investment to uplift the people’s quality of life and, eventually, the economy as a whole.

The allocations mentioned in the infographic above refer to such developmental allocations, and do not constitute the entire budget allocated to these ministries and divisions to run their administrative affairs.

For example, the defence budget is Rs1.8tr, while the division’s PSDP allocation is Rs3.4bn.

Published in Dawn, June 10th, 2023

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