Today's Paper | July 08, 2024

Published 17 Jun, 2023 05:36am


NADRA BLUES: During a recent visit to the National Database Registration Authority (Nadra) office at Awami Markaz, I was informed by the staff that the Family Registration Certificate (FRC) was not being issued due to reasons not known to them. Due to the non-issuance of FRC, a lot of Pakistanis planning to travel abroad for one reason or the other are unable to apply for a visit visa at embassies that demand mandatory submission of FRC, especially the embassies of European countries. The government should take up the matter with Nadra urgently.

Mumtaz Hussain

STATING THE OBVIOUS: This is with reference to the article ‘The domestic debt trap’ (B&F, May 22), which, among other things, stated that the government’s borrowing has set a pattern, and that “future federal governments, too, will have to borrow excessively from banks to continue to service ever-growing stocks of domestic debts, necessitating even greater borrowings year after year for the same purpose”, concluding that “it does not require a genius to understand that in the next fiscal year, this trend will continue”. My simple question is: does it require a genius to simply narrate what everyone has known and understood perfectly for a very long time? What is the point of stating the obvious?

Muneeb Faisal

SNAIL-PACED WORK: Any repair work on roads and other infrastructure in Islamabad once initiated keeps exacerbating the misery of the people. The roads from Zero Point to Faizabad and Gulberg Greens to PWD are relevant examples in this regard. They were excavated for resurfacing and expansion, but the work has been moving at a speed that would put a snail to shame. The excavation work causes excessive traffic jams and inconvenience to the public. Daily commute has become a nightmare, with hours getting wasted in traffic every single day. The relevant authorities should complete the repair work urgently.

Zainab Saif Awan

Published in Dawn, June 17th, 2023

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