Today's Paper | July 06, 2024

Published 20 Jun, 2023 07:27am

Lakki villagers kill ‘cattle thief’, injure accomplice

LAKKI MARWAT: An alleged cattle thief was killed and his accomplice injured when a group of villagers opened fire on them in Dhoda area of Lakki Marwat district, the police said on Monday.

An official said a party of city police station reached the area when it received information that an exchange of fire had taken place between villagers and cattle thieves and two people were lying in injured condition there.

“The cops found a body when they reached the locality and shifted it to the Government City Hospital,” he maintained.

Later, an injured man, identified as Noor Kalam, a resident of Gandi Sahib Khan Naserkhel, was also brought to the hospital.

In his report to the police, the injured, however, claimed that he along with Sajid Khan had gone to Dhoda to receive a loan from someone. He said three unknown armed men appeared from the nearby reed forest and signalled them to stop.

“The armed men opened fire when Sajid, who was driving the car, accelerated,” he claimed, adding as a result of firing, the car stuck in the sandy area after one of its tyres burst, and they ran for cover.

He said he got separated from Sajid, and received bullet injuries as the armed men continued firing. He said he took shelter in the forest and called his relatives, who took him to the hospital, where he learnt about the killing of Sajid.

The police registered a case and began investigation.

ANTI-TICK SPRAY: The livestock department on Monday started anti-tick spray on animals in the cattle markets of Bannu on Monday to prevent Congo virus and other diseases. He said as sacrificial animals were being brought to the markets implementation of preventive measures were inevitable to stop prevalence of Congo and other diseases.

The department has formed special teams to carry out fumigation in cattle markets, he maintained. The official said the livestock workers had also been deployed on roads to spray animals being transported to cattle markets in vehicles.

“The livestock experts are also engaged in educating the cattle owners and buyers to adopt precautionary measures against the deadly virus,” he said.

Published in Dawn, June 20th, 2023

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