Today's Paper | October 05, 2024

Published 26 Aug, 2023 06:39am

Story time: Embracing brilliance

In the heart of the lush green forest, a small seed named Barack lay nestled in the soil. He opened his eyes to see the world out there, but opening his eyes didn’t make him feel good, it made him feel overshadowed by the large tree around him and he started to doubt his own potential.

“Am I too small to grow up like them? Can I even manage to sprout around these gigantic trees while they are taking up all the light, leaving me behind?”

Barack started to lose his self-love and his appreciation, and a sense of sadness and disappointment encapsulated him. Barack admired the towering trees in the forest and wished he could be as tall and majestic as they were. He felt envious of their size and beauty, thinking that he could never measure up.

One day, a wise old tree named Elvis, who had seen many seeds grow into trees over the years, noticed Barack’s sadness and wished to help him out. Elvis started to talk to him and soon asked why Barack was so sad.

Barack said with a sigh, “I wish I could be as grand and magnificent as the tall trees around me. They seem so sure of themselves, while I feel so small and insignificant.”

Elvis, in a gentle, wise tone, replied, “Ah, young Barack, I understand how you feel. When I was just a tiny sapling like you, I too felt overwhelmed by the towering trees above me. But you see, every tree in this forest is unique, just like you are. Each one of us has our own journey to take and our own beauty to offer.”

Barack, looking up at Elvis, asked, “Really? But how can I ever become as grand as you or the others?”

Elvis smiled warmly and reassured, “You have greatness within you, dear Barack. Your journey is just beginning, and with time and care, you will grow and blossom into something extraordinary. Embrace your uniqueness, for it is the key to your strength.”

Barack was still unsure so he asked, “But what if I face challenges along the way? What if I can’t handle them?”

“Challenges are a natural part of life, my young friend. Each trial you face will help you become stronger and wiser. Trust in yourself and your ability to adapt and overcome. Remember, it is during the storms that we dig our roots deeper into the ground and find the resilience to endure,” Elvis explained.

“I suppose you’re right. It’s just hard sometimes, feeling so small and uncertain,” Barack answered.

“It’s completely natural to feel that way, Barack. But always remember that even the tallest trees were once small seeds like you. The journey of growth is a gradual one, and with each passing day, you’ll see yourself becoming more and more beautiful in your own way,” Elvis tried to encourage.

“I’ll try my best to believe in myself and appreciate who I am,” Barack assured.

“That’s the spirit, Barack! Embrace your dreams and aspirations and let them guide you on this beautiful journey of growth. And always remember, you have the support and wisdom of this entire forest behind you.”

“Thank you, Elvis. I will cherish your advice and work hard to become the best tree I can be,” Barack replied with a newfound sense of determination.

Elvis smiled warmly, “You’re most welcome, dear Barack. I have no doubt that you will become a magnificent tree, standing tall and proud, spreading your branches far and wide. Just believe in yourself, and never forget to love and appreciate the remarkable seed that you are.”

And so, with the wise words of Elvis resonating in his heart, Barack embarked on his journey of growth, knowing that he was truly special and capable of achieving greatness. As the years passed, he flourished into a beautiful tree, becoming a testament to the power of self-love and appreciation.

The forest embraced him as one of its own, and Barack lived a fulfilling life, inspiring others to believe in themselves and their unique potential.

Published in Dawn, Young World, August 26th, 2023

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