Today's Paper | September 20, 2024

Published 23 Sep, 2023 05:21am

Story time : Attending Professor Snape’s class

Imarked my timetable with a pen as I read the sheet. Divination class? Done. Transfiguration class? Done. Potions class? Remaining! Ah, the most challenging course of the day was remaining!

When the clock struck two, I dragged my feet to Professor Snape’s class, our Potions teacher, who was also a very stern person. Nothing ever escaped his attention, be it my incomplete homework or my precious toad, Trevor. It’s good that I completed my essay yesterday, neat, tidy and ready to be submitted.

“Mr Longbottom, who are you waiting for?” Professor Snape’s voice broke my train of thought.

“Sorry, professor.”

I wasted no time and apologised whilst taking long strides towards the corner table. Then it just occurred to me that I left my essay beside the pillow. It took so much effort to complete it and now what?

“All essays out on the table, now,” Professor Snape commanded.

I watched as all my classmates opened their books and took out their essays. I broke into a cold sweat.

“Professor, we have so many students in our class but why do you have to fix your gaze on me? Is it because I’m the most handsome? Forget it. Perhaps it’s because I look like the most pathetic one who rarely submits work on time,” I silently said to myself because the professor was watching us like a predator keenly watching his prey.

I had no choice but to rummage through my bag, hoping for my essay to miraculously appear. Most of the textbooks were there, but there wasn’t any sign of the essay.

“Mr Longbottom, did you not do the assignment again?” he interrogated me as if I were a prisoner who committed a grave sin.

When I opened my mouth to speak, a familiar voice interrupted us.

“Sorry professor, for being late.”

Everyone turned their head to the source of the voice, only to see Harry and Ron panting loudly, with their hands on their knees.

“Very well, Potter, what brought you to grace us with your presence? And what about you Mr Weasley?” professor launched his attack on both of them, one comment after another until he felt satisfied by taking off 10 points from Gryffindor.

“Why professor? Why did you snatch the hard-earned points off our team?” I almost said this aloud.

Harry and Ron settled beside Hermione and me. To my amazement, they passed on a piece of parchment to me. I immediately unrolled it and what I saw left me flabbergasted. Yes, it was my essay! The same essay I forgot. Oh my, it felt so good to have such caring friends!

“Thanks,” I whispered my gratitude.

When the professor turned towards me, I immediately held out the essay to him. It took him a few seconds to glance at it and then back to me. I secretly wished that he wouldn’t scold me, although the possibility of it occurring was like finding a needle in a haystack. I was perhaps truly too lucky as he didn’t pursue it further. He waved his wand and the instructions appeared on the board.

The lesson began. The task of preparing the Healing Potion was assigned to us. As usual, after following a few lines of instructions and adding the required ingredients to the cauldron, I missed out a few instructions. Instead of a purple liquid, a dense green liquid formed. Ah, I’m so mad at myself. Once again my irresponsible behaviour will invite the professor’s wrath!

“Mr Longbottom, aren’t the instructions clear? You have to add apple cider vinegar before stirring it three times in an anticlockwise direction!” Professor Snape spoke in a loud mocking way.

“Swish!” he waved his wand in the air and all the potion from my cauldron vanished as if it was never present. “Copy all the instructions five times as your homework,” he commanded as he moved on to inspect other students’ potions.

I was too drained of energy. I collected my things, and as soon as the class ended, I headed towards the dorm, yawning. Another additional work to be done, just another day in my life at Hogwarts!Published in Dawn, Young World, September 23th, 2023

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