Today's Paper | September 19, 2024

Published 21 Oct, 2023 06:34am

Story time: The return to nature

Once upon a time, there was a bustling city that had always been filled with the sounds of traffic, honking horn and the constant rush of people going about their daily lives. But then, a silent invader known as Covid-19 descended upon the world, forcing everyone to retreat indoors, leaving the streets empty and the parks deserted.

Months passed, and when the virus gradually receded, people cautiously emerged from their homes, ready to reclaim their lives. However, something had changed within them during their time in isolation. Because they got enough time for themselves in the confines of their homes, they had come to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, the beauty of nature and the importance of cherishing the world around them.

One warm summer morning, as the city awakened to a new beginning, a young girl named Maya decided to embark on an adventure. She stepped out onto the streets and was immediately struck by the calmness that enveloped the city. The once noisy roads were now pretty quiet and the air felt cleaner and fresher than ever before.

Curiosity guided Maya towards a nearby park. As she approached, she noticed how the vibrant green of the trees had become more intense and the flowers bloomed with an extra brilliance. The absence of human activity had allowed nature to reclaim its rightful place.

Eager to explore, Maya ventured deeper into the park. She marvelled at the symphony of birdsong that filled the air and watched in awe as a squirrel scampered up a tree. It was as if the park had transformed into a magical oasis.

Maya walked some more and discovered a sparkling stream. Its crystal-clear waters flowing over smooth stones, inviting her to dip her toes in. She sat by the water’s edge. Time seemed to stand still as she listened to the soothing sounds of nature. In that moment, Maya realised how much she had missed being surrounded by the wonders of the natural world. She made a promise to herself to cherish and protect it, knowing that it brought solace and inspiration to her heart.

Days turned into weeks and Maya’s newfound appreciation for nature continued to grow. She began spending more time outdoors, exploring different parks and hidden corners of the city. She would lie on the grass, gazing at the vastness of the sky and let her imagination take flight with the passing clouds.

One evening, Maya sat beside the window of her room and looked out at the city. From here, she could see the greenery between buildings and rooftops. She dreamt of a city where nature and urban life coexisted harmoniously, where parks and gardens were cherished and protected.

Inspired by her vision, Maya shared her thoughts with her friends in the neighbourhood. Fortunately, all her friends seemed to be really interested in her idea and they quickly formed a community group dedicated to creating green spaces and promoting sustainability within the city. They decided to clean their surroundings and plant trees.

Their efforts sparked a movement and soon the city began to transform. Rooftop gardens sprouted atop buildings. Walls were adorned with colourful murals depicting nature’s beauty, reminding everyone of its importance. Parks were rejuvenated, with families and friends gathering to enjoy picnics and laughter once more.

The city had undergone a remarkable transformation, not only physically but also in the hearts of its people. They had realised that nature was not just a backdrop to their lives, but an integral part of their well-being. The return to nature after Covid-19 had gifted them with a newfound appreciation, fostering a sense of unity and a desire to protect the planet for future generations. And so, the city thrived, a living testament to the power of rediscovering and nurturing the natural world. Through their collective efforts, Maya and her community had not only brought back nature but had also found their own sense of purpose and fulfilment.

The city had been given a second chance, a chance to embrace its connection to the earth and live in harmony with the wonders of nature. And Maya knew that as long as they continued to prioritise their relationship with the natural world, the city would always be a place of beauty, peace and inspiration.

Published in Dawn, Young World, October 21st, 2023

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