Today's Paper | September 17, 2024

Published 12 Nov, 2023 07:00am

Pope sacks conservative, outspoken US bishop

VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis on Saturday dismissed US bishop Joseph Strickland, a prominent conservative who has repeatedly criticised his papacy, following concerns over his leadership and governance.

The Vatican did not explain the move, a rare sacking in the Catholic Church where troublesome senior clerics are normally encouraged — or told — to resign. But a US cardinal said it was linked to an inquiry ordered by Pope Francis into “all aspects of governance and leadership” of Strickland’s Tyler diocese in Texas.

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, also of Texas, said the so-called apostolic visitation in June reported back that it was “not feasible” that the bishop stay in office. He revealed that Strickland, 65, had been asked on Thursday to resign, but refused — prompting the pope to step in.

“The Holy Father has relieved from the pastoral governance of the diocese of Tyler (US) Joseph E. Strickland,” the Vatican said in a statement. It said the bishop of Austin, Joe Vasquez, had been named as apostolic administrator of the diocese, but gave no further details.

Strickland was opposed to pontiff’s moderate views on abortion and LGBT issue

Strickland was appoin­ted by Benedict XVI in 2012, and became one of the most prominent critics of his successor, Pope Francis. The Argentine pope, 86, has sought since taking office 10 years ago to forge a more compassionate Church, open to different views.

But he has faced intense opposition from critics — particularly in the United States — who accuse him of causing confusion and failing to uphold key Catholic beliefs.

In a message earlier this year on X, formerly Twitter, Strickland said that while he recognised Francis as the pope, “I reject his programme of undermining the deposit of faith”. Many of Pope Francis’ critics complain he is not outspoken enough on abortion and too compassionate towar­ds homosexuals and divorcees.

He in turn lamented earlier this year the “stro­ng reactionary attitude” of some Catholics in the US, who he said do not understand the “evolution in the understanding of matters of faith and morals”.

The Vatican has not commented on its inquiry into the Texas diocese, but Strickland previously said that two US bishops spent a week conducting interviews — including with him — about the situation there. In a blog post in September, he addressed rumours that he would be asked to leave voluntarily.

“I cannot resign as bishop of Tyler because that would be me abandoning the flock” under his care, he wrote.

“I have also said that I will respect the authority of Pope Francis if he removes me from office as Bishop of Tyler.”

LGBTQ rights campaigners welcomed a Vatican statement that transgender people can be baptised as a step towards a more inclusive Catholic Church, but denounced caveats that provide cover to those who object.

In a document published on Wednesday, the powerful Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, one of the main departments that manages the affairs of the Holy See, said transgender believers can be baptised if it would not cause scandal or confusion.

The document, written in response to questions from a Brazilian bishop and approved by Pope Francis, also raised no objections to baptism for the children of same-sex couples, either adopted or born through surrogacy.

Published in Dawn, November 12th, 2023

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