Today's Paper | July 06, 2024

Published 06 Dec, 2023 07:09am

From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1948: Seventy-five years ago: Denied access

LONDON: Mr Philips [Price] MP, who recently visited Pakistan and Kashmir, in a letter to Manchester Guardian, states that he was denied access by Indian authorities to Kashmir in reply to a letter by Horace Alexander published earlier in which he accused Price of partiality in his articles on Kashmir. The letter states: “Since my return from the East I have seen letter from Horace Alexander in your issue of Nov 16 suggesting that my article on ‘Pakistan and Kashmir’ would carry greater weight if I had visited Delhi and Srinagar.

“I have no desire to enter into a controversy over other points raised in the letter but … the following facts should be stated… .

“I did go to Delhi and asked to visit the Indian side of the Kashmir front. Important Indian officials outside India cabled to Delhi and assured me that I would at least be able to hear the Indian side of the case. I waited for five days in Delhi, no permission was granted to me to go to Kashmir, and I was not able to interview a single member of the Indian Government. One department did promise me material on the Indian side of the case, I never received it.”

Published in Dawn, December 6th, 2023

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